It's been a long road getting here but it seems we're inching closer to Cloud Imperium Games actually releasing Squadron 42, their cinematic single-player space adventure set in the Star Citizen universe. They also talked up Vulkan support with their ongoing tech work.
Chris Roberts announced during the event that "Squadron 42 is feature complete and has entered its polish phase".
You can see their full video on Squadron 42 below:

Direct Link
Also interesting is their big upgrade they've been working on for native Vulkan API support, which will bring various benefits from improved performance to more advanced rendering techniques. They talked about this a fair bit on Day 1 of CitizenCon, which also included a note in their slide about it opening their tech up to a Linux port.
Pictured - Their Vulkan slide from Day 1 of CitizenCon 2023.
They didn't commit to Linux though, it's hardly even a passing mention. But, either way, if they do manage to finish up their Vulkan work, it will make running it on Linux hopefully better with Proton since there will be less translation that needs to be done which means it should hopefully be smoother.
You can see the talk about Vulkan below at 33:10:

Direct Link
I can't wait to watch my grandkids play this game.
I mean, optimism is good, of course, but do you think you can survive till 2953? That's the date they're giving, so...
Last edited by Shmerl on 26 Oct 2023 at 3:37 pm UTC
But, either way, if they do manage to finish up their Vulkan work, it will make running it on Linux hopefully better with Proton since there will be less translation that needs to be done which means it should hopefully be smoother.
Vulkan is direct passthrough with Proton for what it's worth, but other calls will indeed need translation.
I think outside of translation though, the absolute biggest benefit that no one ever mentions with native ports, is that start-up times are faster because there is no need to create, update, or repair a Wine prefix, on top of Wine just generally needing to start itself up.
Star Citizen unfortunately incorporates Easy Anti-Cheat nowadays, so I cannot say I will ever go back to it, but it would be great to see a big release like this with native support. I believe it would set a good precedent.
I really hope I'm wrong.
I really *WANT* this to actually happen at some point, but I don't believe it ever will. They have a financial incentive not to release anything ever. It's really sad, but .... I will be astonished if anything ever releases anywhere close to what's expected or has been announced. MAYBE they'll release some tech demo as the company is going through bankruptcy in another decade, but I wager that'll be about it.
I really hope I'm wrong.
Well, this is Squadron 42, their single player game, not Star Citizen, their MMO sca- I mean game.
They should have all the incentives to release it as soon as possible.
Feel free to join the Linux Users Group (LUG) community/organization, they always find a way to get the latest version working on linux, submit issues, try patches, provides custom build if needed and most importantly walk you through any kind of troubleshooting. Can't say for sure there were recent group play sessions but with the new Pyro system just around the corner to try out, I'm sure this'll give an interest boost!
Or keep the surprise as we're give or take a year away from Squadron 42 release which is meant to be an fully fledged single player campaign introduction to the Star Citizen world.

They have a financial incentive not to release anything ever.What incentive is that? Because, you know, normally you only get paid by customers for a game when you release it. I assume there's some sort of story here?
What incentive is that? Because, you know, normally you only get paid by customers for a game when you release it. I assume there's some sort of story here?I would summarize the situation like this:
They are being bankrolled by rich
Feel free to join the Linux Users Group (LUG) community/organization, they always find a way to get the latest version working on linux, submit issues, try patches, provides custom build if needed and most importantly walk you through any kind of troubleshooting. Can't say for sure there were recent group play sessions but with the new Pyro system just around the corner to try out, I'm sure this'll give an interest boost!
It's worth noting that the Linux User Group org in Star Citizen is currently the #14 largest of all organizations, and we also have a couple of people in the Evocati Test Flight - the basically pre-pre-alpha testing group - so Linux fixes and such are usually ready by the time any patch is available for the wider audience.
I'd definitely suggest trying it out during one of the free fly periods they run if you're interested in space games, one will be coming up next month for their IAE event.
I also most definitely recommend not grabbing anything more expensive than the basic starter pack ($45), the more expensive stuff is only if you really want to support the development.
We already had such episodes where they told us they where weeks from release and it will be out before end of the year. That was years ago, can't even remember how long. How can someone be so wrong? It boggles my mind.
I can't wait to watch my grandkids play this game.
even the memes about how long SC is taking are ancient now lol
They have a financial incentive not to release anything ever.What incentive is that? Because, you know, normally you only get paid by customers for a game when you release it. I assume there's some sort of story here?
Yes, and it's absolutely worth reading it up.
They've gathered over 600 million dollars until today ([random googled article]( )...
Last edited by Eike on 26 Oct 2023 at 6:44 pm UTC
I'd definitely suggest trying it out during one of the free fly periods they run if you're interested in space games, one will be coming up next month for their IAE event.
Does this mean Star Citizen can be tried for free sometimes?
I'd definitely suggest trying it out during one of the free fly periods they run if you're interested in space games, one will be coming up next month for their IAE event.
Does this mean Star Citizen can be tried for free sometimes?
They run at least three free fly events every year; Invictus Launch Week in May, Foundation Festival in July, and the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo in November.
Last edited by Ananace on 26 Oct 2023 at 6:54 pm UTC
I'd definitely suggest trying it out during one of the free fly periods they run if you're interested in space games, one will be coming up next month for their IAE event.
Does this mean Star Citizen can be tried for free sometimes?
That's correct. Usually a few times a year if I remember correctly. The free fly events tend to have more problems with server instability, but it gives you a rough idea of what to expect if you decide to purchase a starter pack.
Edit: Sorry Ananace, I hadn't reloaded the page in a bit and didn't see your reply.
Last edited by neon_soaked_chryssalid on 26 Oct 2023 at 7:02 pm UTC
Also, if you ever decide to give it a try and create an account, use someone's referral code. Not immediately useful, but if you ever decide to buy a game package, it could give you some extras if you time that right.
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