Valve has pushed out more Steam Client Beta and SteamVR updates, along with a funny note about the SteamVR update for a bit of a woops in the UI.
You see, Valve recently gave SteamVR a big 2.0 Beta upgrade but they forgot to add an exit button. I know, the horror right? Being trapped in VR like something out of Sword Art Online. Don't panic though because Valve has once again begun allowing you to leave the VR world as it's back in the most recent update as noted:
- Support for multi-gpu system (e.g. laptops) which was causing the new Steam UI to not show up.
Steam Dashboard overlay:
- Filtered out vr overlay apps from recent games list.
- Fixed auto switching to game details page on launch.
- Never auto switch to app details page on launch for vr overlay apps.
- Restored the dashboard button to exit VR. It's now safe to take off your headset.
Yes, it's a joke about classic Windows.
The rest of the recent Steam Beta Client update is as follows:
- Fixed an issue with art for some games not properly updating. A client restart may be required for some art changes to fully appear.
- Fixed some DLC art displaying in the wrong language.
- Include 64 bit, enabling the new VR gamepad UI in SteamVR beta.
- Improve screen reader support.
Steam Input
- Added "World Space" Experimental Gyro Conversion Mode. This modes feels similar to using a laser pointer. It monitors rotation about the gravity axis to determine both horizontal and vertical output. Some may prefer "Player Space" which is a hybrid of world yaw and local pitch.
- Fix for "Player Space" Gyro Conversion Mode. Gravity axis is now reliable.
- "Pixels Per 360°" Setting value is now copied within the current Action Set rather than across the entire steam input config. This is an accommodation for games with different turning rates in different gameplay states (i.e. Vehicle Mode vs On Foot mode may have a different camera turn rate).
- Partial Regression fix for older Gyro "As Joystick" modes, but there are still known issues. Renovation is planned.
So now the new SteamVR UI should work properly on Linux. If you can get the SteamVR Beta to work at all that is, because for me and others it is entirely broken and won't launch at all now.

I've debated recently about getting one of their index VR headsets lately. More from a technological point of view, to see what all the fuss is about. Since no doubt once I've played with the technical bits, it'll end up in a box in a cupboard for the rest of its life, so I'm waiting for a good steam sale on them.*Glances uncomfortably at the HOTAS and Index setup put aside in the corner of the room*.
I must admit, after getting a Quest, I really can't be bothered to clear the space in front of my PC in order to play VR. The tracking on the Quest is terrible by comparison, mind you, but at least I'm not in danger of punching my Amiga by accident.
I'm hoping Deckard will allow me to go play in a different room at last.
We did it. We beat Sword Art Online.LOL
yeah, i hope thing thing dont have an battery that can explode, otherwise someone might actually make an SAO...
Having said that, I will still probably end up getting the Deckard...
Last edited by sonic2kk on 4 Oct 2023 at 2:23 pm UTC
I would love an Index, but I don't think I have enough space in any room in my home for it, let alone the room with my PC. Aside from the cost, the required play area for VR is the main prohibitive factor for me.You want to talk space... I bought the KatWalk VR thing too... still need to torture myself and get it actually configured in Windows... got as far as realizing I needed to re-mod SkyrimVR...
Having said that, I will still probably end up getting the Deckard...
We did it. We beat Sword Art Online.
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N !
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