Want to play a classic with a fresh open source game engine? TR1X for Tomb Raider 1 from 1996 has a new release out with a Native Linux version now available. Available under the GPL license, TR1X was made by reverse engineering the TombATI / GLRage variant of the original game and replacing proprietary audio/video libraries with open source variants.
The 3.0 release went up a few weeks ago, followed by two bug fix releases over the last 2 weeks which included the renaming from Tomb1Main to TR1X, adds a developer console, adds Linux builds and toolchain, an option to allow Lara to roll underwater, an option to turn off Eidos logo entirely through config, the bonus level type for custom levels that unlocks if all main game secrets are found, detection for animation commands to play SFX on land, water or both and more features and plenty of bug fixes.
TR1X includes masses of improvements over the original game like:
- Proper UI and bar scaling.
- Enemy health bars.
- PS1 style UI.
- Fade effects to displayed images.
- Improved support for windowed mode.
- Ability to set user-defined FOV.
- Ability to look up and down while hanging.
- Ability to forward and backward jump while looking.
- Ability to look around while running.
- A pause screen.
- + the list goes on and on, making it much more modern feeling.
Check out the project on GitHub.
You do need assets from the original game which you can grab from GOG and Steam.

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