Rock 'n' Roll Will Never Die!, a musical comedy point and click adventure game recently added full Native Linux support. Looks like quite a fun one too if you like your rock music and classic adventure games like this.

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About it: "Rock 'n' Roll Will Never Die! is a parodic adventure inspired by classic point-and-click games, heavy metal, and underground comics. You'll jump into the beer-soaked denim vest of a middle-aged teddy bear to orchestrate the comeback of your old glam metal band, not caring that glam metal has been the laughing stock of everyone in the music industry since the 1980s. A true heavy metal heart never stops beating!
Almost four years in development, Rock 'n' Roll Will Never Die! offers about ten hours of wild adventures all over the rockosphere with hand-drawn graphics and a bunch of original music."
You can find it on Hopefully eventually the Linux version will also come to Steam. It has a Positive rating on Steam but not many reviews overall.
Game wishlisted!
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