Not enough DOOM in your life? How about trying out the massive release of Eviternity II, a full 36-map megawad sequel to Eviternity.
More: "Eviternity II is a full 36-map megawad sequel to Eviternity; comprised of six 5-map Chapters, each with an additional secret level. Making extensive use of a newly updated build of the OTEX texture pack (to be released as a standalone texture pack in the future), Eviternity II’s six chapters explore a series of unique and varied themes, continuing on from where you left off after the Archangelus’ defeat!"
Key Artwork by Robert Sammelin.
You need to play it with the original DOOM II wad file (GOG) and an installed recent version of GZDoom.
Place your wad file for DOOM II into the gzdoom config folder of a normal install like here:
But for Flatpak / Flathub it would be here:
Download Eviternity II from the official site, unzip it, and place the Eviternity II RC1.wad file into the same folder as above. Then you can launch it like so:
gzdoom -iwad DOOM2.WAD -file 'Eviternity II RC1.wad'
And the launch for Flatpak / Flathub:
flatpak run org.zdoom.GZDoom -iwad ~/.var/app/org.zdoom.GZDoom/.config/gzdoom/DOOM2.WAD -file ~/.var/app/org.zdoom.GZDoom/.config/gzdoom/'Eviternity II RC1.wad'
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