Hoping at some point to play Fortnite on Linux / Steam Deck without the use of Cloud Gaming services? Well, it's probably quite some time away, if ever.
While Epic Games could put it on Linux, they're currently just choosing not to. The anti-cheat is supported, and has been for some time. It uses a mixture of Easy Anti-Cheat (which Epic themselves own) and BattlEye, both are actually supported on Linux. Their own game engine, Unreal Engine, does also support Linux too.
Recently The Verge did an interview with Epic's CEO Tim Sweeney, and this was mentioned:
Why is Fortnite still not playable on Steam Deck?
If we only had a few more programmers. It’s the Linux problem. I love the Steam Deck hardware. Valve has done an amazing job there; I wish they would get to tens of millions of users, at which point it would actually make sense to support it.
Worth noting back in September 2023, Epic Games let go over 800 people.
You may remember that back in 2022, Sweeney gave a pretty clear "no" to Fortnite support with Proton for Linux / Steam Deck, with Sweeney mentioning all the different Linux kernel combinations, especially with the size of Fortnite as a game it's a huge target for cheaters (and it's only gotten a lot bigger since then).
The other side though of course is the Epic Games Store, and how Epic sees Valve as a competitor. The issue claimed is the 30% cut that Valve take, but given how many resources Epic continue pouring into the Epic Games Store, through various exclusivity deals and free games, they're not going to turn around and put Fortnite onto Steam. Remember they actually pulled Rocket League and Fall Guys from Steam after acquiring them.
They wouldn't actually need to put it onto Steam for it to work on Linux / Steam Deck though, there's various ways to get the Epic Games Store on Linux and Fortnite already loads with Proton, it's just the anti-cheat blocking you actually playing it.
Really, the reality is simple and the quote above makes it clear. It's just a question of how much money Fortnite would make, and it would need to make a lot on Linux / Steam Deck. Once a platform is big enough, it won't be ignored. Money is the only priority, as seen when Epic decided to kill off Unreal Tournament.
Last edited by Szkodnix on 13 Dec 2023 at 1:41 pm UTC
Imho it could become now a verified title for the Steam Deck. With Heroic it's still a bit more effort, but works as well once the extra steps for getting Epic Online Services installed are done. But if you prefer a simple solution, you can still get Fall Guys Steam keys online.
The exclusivity they buy with Fortnite money for EGS is not to benefit the gamers, but to "benefit" the devs (if your game reaches less people, but you get paid anyway, do you care?) and to draw customers in themselves. Tim constantly says it's better for the gamers, but it's not. So at this point I just assume anything Tim says is about a "better experience" and assume it means "will make us money."
Ah yes, how can Epic Games afford programmers, they only made * checks notes * $5.8 billion in 2022
they spend mostly of it buying free games, and by the state of epic game launcher, yeah, they don't have that much devs, or competend ones
But yeah, sooner or later, as the OS rise in popularity thrash and garbage will also start to be ported. Linux being open and free, nothing bars vultures like Epic to bring their addictive crap.
Last edited by Mal on 13 Dec 2023 at 5:31 pm UTC
Fortnite is shit anyways. lol
I'm sure he'll have some other arbitrary bullshit excuse when Steam Deck has 20m+ users.You're quite right, he will. As a Nintendo expatriate, this all looks awfully familiar: It's exactly the same PR scheme to encourage people to port-beg on social-media, thus get them to do free marketing at no cost to the company.
Don't fall for it, anybody.
Did everyone see the new Rocket League racing mode? And by that, I mean the new racing mini-game inside Fortnite. Fortnite is no longer a game, and is now a gaming ecosystem of its own.Did you see the bug-fugly Lego Fortnite? It's Lego assets dumped into realistic-looking vistas, which completely defeats the point of it being Lego.

Clearly, Epic [hired This Man](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1Y_d_Lhp60).

It's YOUR choice. I'm ok with it.
Like others are saying, the only reason they won't do it is because they think it's helping their competition.. But I would actually consider stopping my boycott of the Epic store if they gave us proper Linux support.
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