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While Valve already revealed a few of the sales and events happening on Steam in 2024, they've now today revealed a bunch more. Mentioned in the Steamworks Developer blog post, they're going big in 2024.

Here's all the events planned for the first half of 2024:

Previously Announced:

Additional Events:

What about this year though?

Well, we still have the Steam Winter Sale to come on December 21st! So look out for that.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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robertosf92 Dec 12, 2023
Quoting: ElectricPrism
Quoting: robertosf92Not sure I wanna participate in the Capitalism and Economy fest tbh

Well if you want to disolve all private property maybe I can borrow some of our stuff ;P I can't wait to take our computer to the LAN party and I am looking foreward to using our car tovarish.

Has anyone seen our girlfriends and wives? Remember what's mine is mine and what's yours is mine too. You're the best tovarishes a torvarish could ask for.

First of all, i'm no Marxist, I'm an anarchist without adjectives

Secondly, my computer is not my private property, it's my possession. My house is both my private property (since it's registered as such) as well as my posession (for I ocuppy and use it). I'm in favour of the second, not the first. See this for a brief explanation.

Thirdly, do not confuse capitalism with free market (link, link. They're not the same and being anti-capitalist does not mean being anti market. I'm an anarchist without adjectives because I think that, should people be "left alone" to do as they please, society will be configured along both mutual aid and exchange relationships (link.

Lastly, other people are DEFINITELY not someone's property, for that's slavery, and now that you seem to poke fun at poliamory, even though I'm no practicioner, let me tell you that I don't see anything wrong with poligamy or sexual relationship outside of the couple except in two cases:

The obvious case where the relationship is non-consentual, as would be should anyone "take" my gf/wife whatever.
If the information of that relationship existing is concealed from the other part, for that is a breach of the trust upon which the relationship is supposed to be built on.
Linux_Rocks Dec 12, 2023
Well, I *am* a working class Marxist. A Marxist-Leninist at that. (As in Lenin's Marxism and a Fidelista, not Stalinism. Though I tend to favor pan-Leninism and pan-Marxism.) But I think splits in the left are stupid, and I favor unity in the left. (In fact to me the only good split was after the closure of the 2nd International. When we Revolutionary Socialists split from the Bourgeois Socialists and their dead weight liberalism and imperialist sympathies.) I also sympathize with the Marxist-De Leonist flavor of Syndicalism, and I support a United Front with the Anarchists too.

That all said, material conditions are independent of economic and/or political systems/ideologies. You do what you need to for survival within reason, and you're allowed to have fun and entertainment for yourself. It's really not that hard to get. Furthermore, being frugal and shopping sales to save money is perfectly fine as well.

*sings The Internationale*
based Dec 12, 2023
Quoting: PenglingSome fun ones lined up here, and I'm really looking forward to the Winter Sale! The winter one a couple of years ago was the first-ever Steam sale I witnessed, so it's starting to become a bit of a nostalgic thing, now - my account's not quite two years old yet.

That said, I wonder if the criteria for the Dinos vs. Robots Fest might be slightly too strict to let me find everything that I'd be looking for; Sometimes, I want more robot games just "because robots" rather than for any deeper reason, but apparently that's a no-go for this one.
There's something special about buying bunch of awesome games on great discount and installing them right before xmas eve, nothing else quite like it for me.
Pengling Dec 12, 2023
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Quoting: whizseLet us know if you need any help getting the training wheels off!
Quoting: StoneColdSpiderOh shes had plenty of training from an old Steam Grandmaster.........
Doesn't seem so long ago that I was all like "What the hell's with all the stickers and cards? What is this, even? ", haha!

Quoting: basedThere's something special about buying bunch of awesome games on great discount and installing them right before xmas eve, nothing else quite like it for me.
Y'know, that's something that I haven't actually thought to do yet! I started using Steam on December 30th 2021, so I totally missed Christmas Eve that time, and just didn't think of it last year.

Honestly, the sales remind me (even more than Steam usually does) of my early days with gaming, which were spent with a Commodore 64C in the early 1990s - a time when the most you'd typically pay for a game was £3.99, with £9.99 considered to be a super-expensive "full-price" title. Granted, some of those were budget re-releases, but there were still plenty of new titles as well. Good times.
such Dec 17, 2023
These new sales are healthier for the industry (no flash sales, lower discounts etc) and for the buyers, but coupled with the fact that pretty much everything is on sale every 2 months anyway... it's much less of an event these days. Back in the olden days a major Steam sale also meant Steam was down for the first hour as people hammered the servers en masse - that's firmly in the past considering if I miss a sale come February it'll be discounted again, so it's a case of "meh, I'll get around to it." The discount might be deeper on a regular sale anyway.

Now, if anyone is new to Steam, and especially if they're used to consoles a Steam sale is pretty much like that cocaine scene from Scarface. Nice to read posts reminding me of that from time to time, hah.
MicHaeL_MonStaR Dec 18, 2023
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