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Build a powerful character in Into the Necrovale a new Action RPG

By - | Views: 27,468

Into the Necrovale is a new Action RPG from Casey Clyde and Tribal Storm that's just hit Early Access, and so far it seems like a really fun time for players that love building up a unique character. Note: key from KeyMailer.

Being the work of a solo developer it's pretty impressive! With 5 different zones to battle through, plus an end-game area that gives you runs of increasing difficulty, I could easily see myself spending a lot of hours running through it.

Here you're exploring the dark dungeons, taking down all sorts of enemies and building up a character. It's all about the items — over 300 of them. Instead of building a character through levels and unlocked abilities, you swap around all your items to make a different build. Giving you the option to experiment easily and change your entire build whenever you want.

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It's all about repeating runs, and unlocking more of the game as you go. As you enter the first section you having nothing but your hands, but eventually you'll have a ton of different items. The game keeps expanding too, as you unlock various different vendors at the safe area.

The combat is pretty challenging too, and fast, it really will keep you on your toes in the small rooms as enemy waves spawn and surround you. Certainly got the blood pumping! The Hope mechanic is an interesting one too. You use Hope to unlock things, but if you lose too much Hope your character will suffer so it's a constant balancing act there.

Into the Necrovale has Native Linux support and seems to work great on my Kubuntu 23.10 desktop. The Steam Overlay didn't work unless I ran it with Gamescope though which was a little odd. If you like dungeon crawling RPGs, this is one to check out!

Available to buy from:


GOG (no Linux version)

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Nezchan Jan 30
Oh, I remember the demo for that in last summer's NextFest. Looks like it's expanded quite a lot.

At the time there were only a couple of enemy types, and not a lot of NPC interaction. Glad to see it's turning into something really good.
Hopefully the Linux version will make it to GOG as well. The game's art style and gameplay reminds me of Wizard of Legend.
Ooh, looks like hella fun
scaine Jan 31
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This looks superb. It's a got a Dead Cells had a baby with Children of Morta vibe. Maybe a touch of Ember Knights in there too. I'll wishlist this, but probably wait for EA to finalise before pulling the trigger. I don't want to burn out on it while content is still being added.
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