Here's something a little different for you: All Quiet in the Trenches recently hit Early Access on Steam, blending together a narrative turn-based strategy RPG with a first world war setting. It has Native Linux support but no Steam Deck rating just yet.
More about it: "In the game, you're playing as a German Unteroffizier - a sergeant - on the Western Front of World War One. You're responsible for a handful of soldiers and have to make meaningful decisions. You lead them in battle trying to strike a precarious balance between the ambitions of your superiors and the survival of your men. Your actions will not change the war. They will however change the lives of your soldiers. You cannot win, but maybe they can survive."

Direct Link
The developer, Totally Not Aliens, are based in Bamberg, Germany and say it's meant to be taken as an anti-war game. They plan to keep it in Early Access for 1-2 years as they expand it to cover up to the end of the war in November 1918 with it currently having from early 1915 to early 1916.
Check it out on the Steam page.
I like that you can't change the war. It is still terrible, being a soldier still sucks, but saving just one life or at least making that one life a little bit more bearable is a task worth doing.
Also the somewhat cartoony art style actually works for me here, the war becomes a backdrop not the focus.
Germany saw fit to support the development as well so that's cool!
Germany saw fit to support the development as wellWhere did you get that?
Supported by Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure - German Bundestag
As HendrinMckay mentioned it is on the steam page, but it is also in the trailer linked in the article if you check in the bottom right towards the end.Germany saw fit to support the development as wellWhere did you get that?
Last edited by Cloversheen on 30 Jan 2024 at 4:11 am UTC
Watching the video, I even remembered a way older game when I saw that nurse diary filling itself : "Wings!" from Cinemaware, but that was in the last century. You played a pilot during that war, and between missions you could see little bits of life from the squadron... then on the last mission, you learned that your friends were killed or severely wounded, and the diary alternated between joy and despair. That was such a gem for a 1990 game ! The remake from 2012 is not that good, unfortunately.
Supported by Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital InfrastructureI'd like governments and NGOs (a.k.a. governments in disguise) and whatever official institution out there would keep their filthy corrupted money out of gaming. And software in general. And everything.
But then, that's what corrupted money is there for

that is one hell of a tagline, how much bleaker can it get?
Yes, well, I wish big corporations would keep their filthy corrupting money out of everything. Unfortunately for the world, you seem much closer to your wish than I am to mine. Which is the main reason the governments' money is corrupted.Supported by Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital InfrastructureI'd like governments and NGOs (a.k.a. governments in disguise) and whatever official institution out there would keep their filthy corrupted money out of gaming. And software in general. And everything.
But then, that's what corrupted money is there for
"The government's money is always corrupt when someone else gets them, but not when I get them."Supported by Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital InfrastructureI'd like governments and NGOs (a.k.a. governments in disguise) and whatever official institution out there would keep their filthy corrupted money out of gaming. And software in general. And everything.
But then, that's what corrupted money is there for
Societies have always (and should continue to) fund culture and arts. It also massively funds research that makes our lives better but perhaps doesn't always pay well or has a one time cost as opposed to a way to impose a recurring cost.
big corporationsYes, I know where the money is coming from.
Societies have always (and should continue to) fund culture and artsThat's fine and dandy when gold is money and thus limited. Not with fiat money, that's the root of the rot.
Ehhh . . . there are various strains of economics. There's neoclassical economics, which is the mainstream, underpins most ideas about efficient markets, and is largely bankrupt, but has pretty math as long as you don't look at the assumptions too hard. There's Keynesian, which has some points. There's Marxist and other leftist flavours. There's "Modern Monetary Theory" which is in my opinion not entirely wrong, but much less important than its proponents seem to think--it just doesn't apply to very much and, even where it's relevant, makes less difference than it seems to.big corporationsYes, I know where the money is coming from.
Societies have always (and should continue to) fund culture and artsThat's fine and dandy when gold is money and thus limited. Not with fiat money, that's the root of the rot.
Then there's the kind of economics that thinks we should go back to the gold standard, AKA silly economics.
there are various strains of economicsYes, and they're all frauds.
There's "Modern Monetary Theory" which is in my opinion not entirely wrongOh please.
Then inform us, oh great and wise one; how should an economic system work to be immune to the corrupting influences of reality?there are various strains of economicsYes, and they're all frauds.
There's "Modern Monetary Theory" which is in my opinion not entirely wrongOh please.
Snark aside, this is not the place for discussing economic theory.
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