Update 19:06 UTC - Valve have now fixed it in Proton Hotfix. To select it go into the game Properties -> Compatibility, tick the box and select Proton Hotfix from the drop-down box. If you do not see Proton Hotfix in the drop-down box, search for Proton Hotfix in your Steam Library and install it. It might sometimes still crash on launch, just try again.
Original article below:
Capcom have rolled out an update to MONSTER HUNTER RISE, and sadly it has broken it on Steam Deck. As they continue attempting to change their DRM in older games.
They're swapping from Denuvo over to Enigma which seems to be the cause of the problems, and it's not the first title they've tried this with. In the patch notes for Ver. Capcom updated it to note:
There have been reports of the game not running on Steam Deck after updating to Ver.
The dev team is currently investigating this issue.
We will let you know as soon as we find out more, so please hold on for further information.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
In the actual changes list, Capcom didn't even state the change to the DRM, they're clearly trying to keep it quiet. This bugs me. Any form of anti-cheat and DRM should be clearly noted not just on Steam pages - but in update notes too. Consumers should be properly informed.
Shame that Capcom didn't think to test their game considering it's Steam Deck Verified. Although, verification is done by Valve directly, it doesn't actually mean a game developer supports it.
Hopefully Capcom will reverse the change, or Valve will find a solution in Proton to get it working again. From reports I've seen it affects Linux desktop too, not just Steam Deck.
Previously, Capcom added Enigma DRM to Resident Evil Revelations (released on Steam in 2013), which caused problems for players and Capcom ended up reversing the update (but said they would fix it and re-release it). This caused players to review-bomb the title with the most recent review score showing as Overwhelmingly Negative.
Quoting: LoudTechieThere's been two people/groups cracking Denuvo that I know of - one was doing football games exclusively, the other has been radio silent for a bit now. Feel free to correct me on that. Still, not many bother with Denuvo.Quoting: suchA. they just switched away from Denuvo.Quoting: melkemindInevitably, the "pirates" crack the DRM, so the only people DRM ends up hurting are the paying customers.That's not quite the case anymore with Denuvo.
B. Denuvo cracks still happen, but you're right it's the strongest I know of(every version of football manager up to 2023 and Hogwards Legacy have fallen).
I'm just saying digital lead us to a reality in which not all DRM gets circumvented eventually, but that narrative is so ingrained in everyone's consciousness that it's becoming actively harmful. We've lost as consumers, a long time ago.
Quoting: suchQuoting: LoudTechieThere's been two people/groups cracking Denuvo that I know of - one was doing football games exclusively, the other has been radio silent for a bit now. Feel free to correct me on that. Still, not many bother with Denuvo.Quoting: suchA. they just switched away from Denuvo.Quoting: melkemindInevitably, the "pirates" crack the DRM, so the only people DRM ends up hurting are the paying customers.That's not quite the case anymore with Denuvo.
B. Denuvo cracks still happen, but you're right it's the strongest I know of(every version of football manager up to 2023 and Hogwards Legacy have fallen).
I'm just saying digital lead us to a reality in which not all DRM gets circumvented eventually, but that narrative is so ingrained in everyone's consciousness that it's becoming actively harmful. We've lost as consumers, a long time ago.
Radio silence in her case is relative.
Produces lots of sound and only sometimes cracks, but you're right Denuvo is quite good at what it does.
Also there're some more "low tech" groups that don't attack the code itself, but some of the weaker license key schemes(Sims crack)
The thing with this harmful mindset is that it's so prevalent, because in mathematical theory it's true(all the relevant information is send to you), but math ignores the law, societal development and language.
The copyright laws combined with language barriers and the abolishing of the harsh technological restrictions on "western hostile" nations are working.
Denuvo had to send multiple people to jail, but it did work the crackers started getting cautious with it.
Also the lack of technology restrictions on "western hostile" countries means that a lot less people in legally accepting environments are interested in cracking nowadays.
Language barriers also play a role. Sometimes large drm cracking scenes based on some general bug have sprung up in nations such as China and survived for a long time without getting noticed for years.
Last edited by LoudTechie on 22 January 2024 at 4:06 pm UTC
Quoting: t3gCapcom should have gone after the streamer instead of punishing paid consumers. Just shows how old fashioned and out of touch most Japanese businesses are.Exactly. Most companies would respond with "Oops! Sorry guys, this fella isn't associated with us." and just bar them from handling events that they sponsor (assuming that this was a Capcom-sponsored event in the first place - I don't know if it was that or a community-run one). But noooooooooo, not Capcom.

Quoting: LoudTechieIssues I can't predict, but Proton as a container is misleading.Thankyou - that's very informative.
Proton provides 0 containment on itself and is very clear about that.
They're designed to run in a layer of security called "user space" or as others call it ring 0.
It's the difference between root and everything else(on most systems).
Within this restricted space they're willing to let programs do and whatever they like.
They actively support some forms of debugger detection, file analysis, etc. specifically to support "copy protection".
There was an actual attempt for punk buster it failed, because of an issue even Windows had(Wine just had it a lot more extreme and since punk buster got fixed they already marked it as won't fix).
The reason why malware often fails is, because it wants to run in kernel space and Proton simply doesn't support kernel commands.
The only active protection it can offer is the extra protection flatpak offers compared to

So, is it safe to assume that, if there's anything untoward about Capcom's software beyond them adding DRM by stealth, it wouldn't actually be able to do anything?
I might be getting older, but I'm not afraid to admit that there's things I don't know - I left Windows behind so long ago that I'm just used to the fact that Linux and other Unix-likes tend to be largely trouble-free, so this affecting software I'd bought is completely new to me.

Quoting: LoudTechieRadio silence in her case is relative.Haha, that's true.
Produces lots of sound and only sometimes cracks,
Quoting: PenglingQuoting: t3gCapcom should have gone after the streamer instead of punishing paid consumers. Just shows how old fashioned and out of touch most Japanese businesses are.Exactly. Most companies would respond with "Oops! Sorry guys, this fella isn't associated with us." and just bar them from handling events that they sponsor (assuming that this was a Capcom-sponsored event in the first place - I don't know if it was that or a community-run one). But noooooooooo, not Capcom.
Quoting: LoudTechieIssues I can't predict, but Proton as a container is misleading.Thankyou - that's very informative.
Proton provides 0 containment on itself and is very clear about that.
They're designed to run in a layer of security called "user space" or as others call it ring 0.
It's the difference between root and everything else(on most systems).
Within this restricted space they're willing to let programs do and whatever they like.
They actively support some forms of debugger detection, file analysis, etc. specifically to support "copy protection".
There was an actual attempt for punk buster it failed, because of an issue even Windows had(Wine just had it a lot more extreme and since punk buster got fixed they already marked it as won't fix).
The reason why malware often fails is, because it wants to run in kernel space and Proton simply doesn't support kernel commands.
The only active protection it can offer is the extra protection flatpak offers compared to
So, is it safe to assume that, if there's anything untoward about Capcom's software beyond them adding DRM by stealth, it wouldn't actually be able to do anything?
I might be getting older, but I'm not afraid to admit that there's things I don't know - I left Windows behind so long ago that I'm just used to the fact that Linux and other Unix-likes tend to be largely trouble-free, so this affecting software I'd bought is completely new to me.
It wouldn't be able to do some very specific things, but it could still if it really wanted to in theory delete, read or edit your entire personal map until your machine is restarted(meaning mostly games and the steam client, since you've a dedicated steam deck).
The best indication. Proton aims to give everything that runs on it as much abilities as a standard browser or office app.
For a game this is still a lot of permissions, but it's not really acceptable malware level.
Ransomwaring your steamdeck won't work, spying on your Steam deck is possible although somewhat limited, crypto mining is possible(although really obvious), sending a duck waggling across your screen is possible(class mate once pulled this one on another) and all long term stuff can probably be turned off permanently by rebooting the device(non-sleep mode).
Had it been actually contained(like a flatpak or snap) it would fit the strict interpretation of your definition, but as you can see in the discussion surrounding the Steam development release about their lack of support for it is that this is still largely experimental technology from a usability perspective.*
*Don't get me started on ways to improve this. Doing that to me is like triggering your bomberman lore rant.
Last edited by LoudTechie on 22 January 2024 at 4:46 pm UTC
Quoting: LoudTechieThe only active protection it can offer is the extra protection flatpak offers compared to
The end of your sentence is cut off.
Wine/Proton could also provide some filesystem protection as it serves up a virtual one. Unfortunately, both wine and proton just map the whole root filesystem as a drive so anything could potentially have a peek at everything. I wish at least proton would be more restrictive in what it maps.
Quoting: EhvisQuoting: LoudTechieThe only active protection it can offer is the extra protection flatpak offers compared to
The end of your sentence is cut off.
Wine/Proton could also provide some filesystem protection as it serves up a virtual one. Unfortunately, both wine and proton just map the whole root filesystem as a drive so anything could potentially have a peek at everything. I wish at least proton would be more restrictive in what it maps.
*snap(I wasn't certain snap also sandboxed, but wikipedia says snap does so)
Winehq would never do that for it makes a generic assumption of what will be running(office apps, games, doesn't matter).
Proton has it probably somewhere on the bottom of their priority list(security isn't as sexy as say performance and much harder).
One of the g.o.l aimed Proton forks might do it though.
The first version would probably break some "copy protections".
Last edited by LoudTechie on 22 January 2024 at 4:55 pm UTC
Note to myself: Don't buy Dragon's Dogma 2 (or any other title) from this marvellous company.
Last edited by tgurr on 22 January 2024 at 5:37 pm UTC
Quoting: GuestThis requires cultural background.Quoting: NeoTheFoxA reminder that Enigma is developed by a russian company, and they are trying to actively hide that fact.
Also, check this post out: https://steamcommunity.com/app/2183650/discussions/0/7091547146187298312/
What's wrong with Russian companies?
Many of us are citizens of "the west" and have more trust in countries our own country places trust in(to your choice due to propaganda or democracy).
Normally this's no issue, but for something like drm we know it can do anything on our computer and we actively install it.
For some people this is reason to install no drm for others it's reason to be selctive.
The link he gave was supposed to further discredit the idea that using Enigma is a good idea. The indication for this was the also.
What's the specific thread feared as far as I get it, it's the fear you might not be able to sue someone once they fuck you over.
A link with the same credibility as the past one, which actually touches on the Enigma Russia issue https://steamcommunity.com/app/222480/discussions/0/6852856365577877489/.
Last edited by LoudTechie on 22 January 2024 at 7:12 pm UTC
Last edited by Liam Dawe on 22 January 2024 at 8:51 pm UTC
Quoting: GuestQuoting: LoudTechieQuoting: GuestThis requires cultural background.Quoting: NeoTheFoxA reminder that Enigma is developed by a russian company, and they are trying to actively hide that fact.
Also, check this post out: https://steamcommunity.com/app/2183650/discussions/0/7091547146187298312/
What's wrong with Russian companies?
Many of us are citizens of "the west" and have more trust in countries our own country places trust in(to your choice due to propaganda or democracy).
Normally this's no issue, but for something like drm we know it can do anything on our computer and we actively install it.
For some people this is reason to install no drm for others it's reason to be selctive.
The link he gave was supposed to further discredit the idea that using Enigma is a good idea. The indication for this was the also.
What's the specific thread feared as far as I get it, it's the fear you might not be able to sue someone once they fuck you over.
A link with the same credibility as the past one, which actually touches on the Enigma Russia issue https://steamcommunity.com/app/222480/discussions/0/6852856365577877489/.
I read the link - again who cares? This targetting of Russians is borderline racist. Like we have the US with a history of spying on everyone (citizens and allies alike) and nobody cares about installing US DRM (even though its far more likely to hack you).
Like the whole "target Russia" thing is super weird - there's wars all over the place (look at the genocide Israel is doing in Gaza right now and nobody seems to be saying "its an Isreali company, we shouldn't use it). This double standard is concerning and reminiscent of ethnic based targetting of Germans and Japanese during WW2.
I highly doubt that the company is gonna fuck you over, besides its put on capcoms games so then capcom can be sued.
It's nationalist they aren't angry at Russia or Russians. They're afraid afraid of them.
A westerner can sue a western government who's illegally spying on them and have a real chance of winning.
These people don't express this fear about Israel, because they trust them to be held accountable when sued and only seriously spy on those who threaten them, which happen to be basically only people who aren't them.
Also people not saying "don't buy from Israelian companies" is simply not true people. They do that all the time there is even a website https://bdsmovement.net/get-involved/what-to-boycott.
I don't doubt they're gonna fuck me over, they're a drm company it's their job.
True, Capcom can be sued, but the fear of their boss getting sued doesn't scare subcontractors. The juridical system has an important job as "threat" and to Enigma it doesn't fill that requirement.
Also the Ukraine War is extra important to much of the West, because it is right at their doorstep.
Behind Ukraine lie tons of NATO members(according to most western acknowledged territory claims Russian missiles have already landed and exploded in NATO territory: Transnistria or as NATO would call it Romania) and the attack happened right when Ukraine cozied up to the West.
I understand why this spooked Putin, but that doesn't mean a war at Europe's doorstep stops scaring Europe or the USA(who is just perma spooked by everything look at their military spending).
We should also note that the West didn't respond with as much writ to the Annexation of the Krim.
That's because it's learned behavior from WWII to test some European country's imperialistic ambition by giving them the first thing they ask for, but when the second thing comes along to strike.
Last edited by LoudTechie on 22 January 2024 at 8:36 pm UTC
Quoting: LoudTechieA westerner can sue a western government who's illegally spying on them and have a real chance of winning.Uhhh . . . how real?
Quoting: GuestSure they can sue Russia or Russians. To this day (funny enough) Russia keeps upholding Western copyright (Belarus doesn't though) which is why alot of Russians remain scared to just blatantly rip off Western brands. Besides, if Capcom gets sued they'll likely force Enigma or whoever to pay them back/will take their business away. So it doesn't matter.Ever heard of Sci-Hub it prevails to this day, because Russia doesn't.
Quoting: GuestReally? Then how did Germany threaten the US? or other US allies like South Korea?By annexing SudetenLand which was part of a country the allies promised to protect specifically from german agression.
Even attacking Poland and France(all U.S allies) wasn't enough to get specific USA soldiers on their doorstep sinking US ships and trying to ally with its enemies(Mexico and Japan) were needed to get that.
Quoting: GuestSure there's a site for it, but the dominant discourse in the West is not about sanctioning Israel or its products. Indeed, we have seen how Western countries have pulled out of Russia, while the scale of the genocide in Israel is much greater. The fact that everyone seems to be okay with it is rather concerning, and that there is a double standard about it.The companies pulling back is an effect of government pressure not social pressure, which is fully motivated by governmental fear. The western governements believe Israel won't target them(because they're its only allies in hostile world) and aren't convinced that the much stronger Russian government with more allies can be held in check that way.
I can't go to school without passing a protest for sanctions for Israel, I can do that without passing a Russia sanction protest.
Quoting: GuestI agree, war is bad. But what exactly is special about Europe that "war on its doorstep" would warrant such a response, but would not warrant a similar response in Gaza? Also there was "war on its doorstep" back in 1999 when Belgrade was bombed, but I didn't see such a response either - there was no boycott of US goods/companies in response. To me it seems kinda of like people use this as a justification for their own racist beliefs.The Gaza case is, because Israel has so many enemies that if it were to leak its war to the West it would get decimated by its neighbors also there is a sea inbetween.
Back than the government send soldiers. Got a bunch of war crimes on its name. Sued and protested. Which resulted in the effects mentioned here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO_bombing_of_Yugoslavia#Criticism_of_the_campaign(I wasn't born yet I remember nothing) and seeded current distrust among NATO allies(my government still questions the loyalty of the british, since then.
Quoting: GuestIf what you say is true - you want to explain the US 900 military bases worldwide?They "trust" the USA not to attack them, because of all these bases they would be hard pressed if their allies turned on them.
This trust doesn't range far though, due to the memories of the Iraq war the US security services had to release most of their evidence of Russian troop collecting at the border before the rest believed them.
Also due to internal protest most western nations(who haven't been USSR members) have expelled american bases from their borders(,which is the scary part).
Also yes the west is a bunch of imperialistic prics. That's why the fear argument works. I get that on the news everyday.
This official sanctions aren't a moral choice they're a choice of fear. They're the political expedient alternative on war. Does that mean the West never fights wars: no, but the more they fear you the less they want an open confrontation and work in sanctions. Western propaganda claims the moral high ground, but the choices its government makes are based on fear and greed not morality and although the choices the people make are sometimes based on morality 99 percent of the time it's self interest.
You keep thinking the Western governments need a moral excuse to sanction Russia. When national security comes into play they don't. All they need is a selfish excuse, so no this isn't even a justification this is just western panic football.
Did Donald J. Trump give any excuse to sanction China, besides "they're too rich and powerful" not that I remember. Did he do it anyway certainly. Why do you think Russia is different is being too brave not enough excuse to get cut down by those in power.
Last edited by LoudTechie on 22 January 2024 at 10:07 pm UTC
Quoting: Purple Library Guyhttps://privacyfirst.nl/en/articles/lawsuit-against-dutch-state-against-illegal-data-espionage/Quoting: LoudTechieA westerner can sue a western government who's illegally spying on them and have a real chance of winning.Uhhh . . . how real?
Quoting: GuestQuoting: LoudTechieQuoting: GuestSure they can sue Russia or Russians. To this day (funny enough) Russia keeps upholding Western copyright (Belarus doesn't though) which is why alot of Russians remain scared to just blatantly rip off Western brands. Besides, if Capcom gets sued they'll likely force Enigma or whoever to pay them back/will take their business away. So it doesn't matter.Ever heard of Sci-Hub it prevails to this day, because Russia doesn't.
Quoting: GuestReally? Then how did Germany threaten the US? or other US allies like South Korea?By annexing SudetenLand which was part of a country the allies promised to protect specifically from german agression.
Even attacking Poland and France(all U.S allies) wasn't enough to get specific USA soldiers on their doorstep sinking US ships and trying to ally with its enemies(Mexico and Japan) were needed to get that.
Quoting: GuestSure there's a site for it, but the dominant discourse in the West is not about sanctioning Israel or its products. Indeed, we have seen how Western countries have pulled out of Russia, while the scale of the genocide in Israel is much greater. The fact that everyone seems to be okay with it is rather concerning, and that there is a double standard about it.The companies pulling back is an effect of government pressure not social pressure, which is fully motivated by governmental fear. The western governements believe Israel won't target them(because they're its only allies in hostile world) and aren't convinced that the much stronger Russian government with more allies can be held in check that way.
I can't go to school without passing a protest for sanctions for Israel, I can do that without passing a Russia sanction protest.
Quoting: GuestI agree, war is bad. But what exactly is special about Europe that "war on its doorstep" would warrant such a response, but would not warrant a similar response in Gaza? Also there was "war on its doorstep" back in 1999 when Belgrade was bombed, but I didn't see such a response either - there was no boycott of US goods/companies in response. To me it seems kinda of like people use this as a justification for their own racist beliefs.The Gaza case is, because Israel has so many enemies that if it were to leak its war to the West it would get decimated by its neighbors also there is a sea inbetween.
Back than the government send soldiers. Got a bunch of war crimes on its name. Sued and protested. Which resulted in the effects mentioned here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO_bombing_of_Yugoslavia#Criticism_of_the_campaign(I wasn't born yet I remember nothing) and seeded current distrust among NATO allies(my government still questions the loyalty of the british, since then.
Quoting: GuestIf what you say is true - you want to explain the US 900 military bases worldwide?They "trust" the USA not to attack them, because of all these bases they would be hard pressed if their allies turned on them.
This trust doesn't range far though, due to the memories of the Iraq war the US security services had to release most of their evidence of Russian troop collecting at the border before the rest believed them.
Also due to internal protest most western nations(who haven't been USSR members) have expelled american bases from their borders(,which is the scary part).
Also yes the west is a bunch of imperialistic prics. That's why the fear argument works. I get that on the news everyday.
This official sanctions aren't a moral choice they're a choice of fear. They're the political expedient alternative on war. Does that mean the West never fights wars: no, but the more they fear you the less they want an open confrontation and work in sanctions. Western propaganda claims the moral high ground, but the choices its government makes are based on fear and greed not morality and although the choices the people make are sometimes based on morality 99 percent of the time it's self interest.
You keep thinking the Western governments need a moral excuse to sanction Russia. When national security comes into play they don't. All they need is a selfish excuse, so no this isn't even a justification this is just western panic football.
Did Donald J. Trump give any excuse to sanction China, besides "they're too rich and powerful" not that I remember. Did he do it anyway certainly. Why do you think Russia is different is being too brave not enough excuse to get cut down by those in power.
Scihub is hosted in Kazakhstan and started by a Kazakh citizen. Also, is Scihub the only pirate organization? Last I recall, Piratebay is still up and running in Sweden and they even had a Pirate Party!
Annexing Sudentenland was 85 years ago. What does that have to do with Germany now that it warrants US spying, particularly spying on their Chancellors like Merkel?
Russia wouldn't target them either though, if they didn't provoke Russia. Russia was trying to integrate into Western Europe since Soviet times! Its part of the reason it gave up the Soviet Union. It even wanted to join NATO at one point lol. Russia was took weak in the 90's and 2000's when NATO was expanding and Belgrade was getting bombed to do anything. Russia was too weak to not be a threat, why bomb Belgrade then? Why expand NATO if not to reject Russia.
Yes, you can't pass an "anti-Israel" protest because that's the "new big thing". If you recall when the Ukraine war started, I couldn't go to the grocery store without seeing pro-Ukrainia/anti-Russian protests. Everything Russian was getting banned, even Russian cats. Don't see that happening to Israel, despite protests.
Gaza would get decimated? Israel is having trouble capturing and holding a small piece of land with like 10k guys. Plus the sea means that many countries could be able to deliver contraband to Gaza to support the fight should it leak. But it hasn't happened
Ah you weren't born, but speak authoritatively on matters you don't understand. Got it. The British, just do what the Americans tell them to do. But bombing Belgrade was none European business. I mean if we are talking warcrimes, should we talk about European warcrimes in Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan? Should we start bombing Europe in response?
Who would be hard pressed if who turned on who? The point is this - the US acts like an imperial power - like Ancient Rome or even the British Empire - with bases and soldiers in far flung territories. These "allies" can mostly do what they want as long as they observe US Imperial policy.
The US security services felt embarrassed about the fiasco in Afghanistan and so were seeking any opportunity to "redeem" themselves, thus they "released proofs" and got lucky. 2021/2022, wasn't the first time Russia built up troops on their borders and then nothing happened. The Pentagon Papers seemed to indicate it was sheer luck on the part of the US intelligence to get it right this time lol
Fear of what though? If they didn't expand NATO, Russia would not attack. If they didn't supply Ukraine with arms and instead encouraged diplomacy (which even France and the UK admitted they didn't), Ukraine would be more willing to negotiate and not go and start a civil war in East Ukraine.
The pirate bay doesn't run in Sweden anymore. All three of its founders have been prosecuted and its Swedish servers have been seized.
Now it hops automated from provider to provider. Which means there're still active measures to seize the servers of whoever is hosting it now.
The last one in court was a reverse proxy provider in Norway I think.
As of Ski-hub. Sorry, my info is outdated. Until 2018 the hosting provider was Russian, but according to wikipedia after signing some copyright treaty Russia expelled it, which is a treaty Russia temporary ignored 4 years later as a reaction to western sanctions, which on itself isn't really that bad, but it doesn't really grand a lot of trust in Russia's regulatory stability to see a new treaty disappear within 4 years.
Also something I forgot to mention western propaganda focuses primary on Russian "cyber criminals"(unsuable hackers protected by the mighty hand of Russia). Russia only recently found a counter to that western propaganda: publishing their own "western cyber criminals" discoveries(latest Kaspary findings). For the record both parties speak the truth it's just that they use their channels to amplify the story that suits them.
Quoting: GuestAnnexing Sudentenland was 85 years ago. What does that have to do with Germany now that it warrants US spying, particularly spying on their Chancellors like Merkel?Sorry, I misunderstood that one I thought you meant to comment on my WWII comment.
Western governments trust each other just barely and find spying less bad than military employment, so they all spy on each other until they become actively hostile. In that same period the Danish was spying on the US government. They actually accept the same behavior from others(as long there is no serious political tension). A dutch group of concerned civillians once uncovered an entire Russian spying operation and the dutch government just reacted with something like "yeah, irritating isn't it." Russia has attempted multiple assisinations within western borders and the heaviest they've reacted to that is sentencing one guy(not a diplomat) to prison.
Quoting: GuestAh you weren't born, but speak authoritatively on matters you don't understand. Got it. The British, just do what the Americans tell them to do. But bombing Belgrade was none European business. I mean if we are talking warcrimes, should we talk about European warcrimes in Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan? Should we start bombing Europe in response?
It's why I cite sources in such cases.
Also that was my point they commited war crimes and didn't like the point. They didn't react to war crimes. That wouldn't be self serving.
Europe did and does commit tons of war crimes. It's not a moral paragon. I've been clear about that. They do things out of self interest.
"Should we start bombing Europe in response." That's exactly what Europe fears and why they react that way. It makes sense to Europe, but Europe doesn't want to be bombed, so Europe tries to project a threat.
Also the West has attacked very few countries as reaction to a confirmed war crime(the closest I can come up with is Iraq, but the "evidence" was fake so that doesn't count). Most of the time that is just sanctions if that even happens.
True the US acts like an imperial power, but it's acting like that far from its allies or under conditions controlled by them where they wouldn't wipe a tear if something happened there.
"who turns on who"
The US allies turn on the US if the US turns on its allies. Although you're right about most of them in their lack of power. France is Nuclear armed state, thus refuses to play a lot of ball in the NATO(refusing to submit to US command, maintaining its own nuclear weapon program. Also the moment the allies of US turn on it all its enemies will see this as weakness of the USA and than they find out that they've stored important equipment in safe places like Syria, Turkey and The South Chines/Japanese sea.
As to the US intelligence comment.
The point wasn't that they were such an amazing intelligence service. The point is that the rest of the West refused to act until they saw serious proof and even then reluctantly.
"fear of what"
A. Expanding NATO is really, really profitable. It causes an influx of cheap labor, food and military training terrains.
B. The greedy west wants these porfits and as long it believes it has the military power to do as such it will keep doing that.
C. This sometimes means they have to retaliate against a retaliating Russia.
In conclusion Russia is scary, but not "don't ever trigger" scary, so sometimes greed is stronger.
Last edited by LoudTechie on 23 January 2024 at 12:17 am UTC
Quoting: LoudTechieI think he meant, the US is spying on Germany now, when it's their ally.Quoting: GuestReally? Then how did Germany threaten the US? or other US allies like South Korea?By annexing SudetenLand which was part of a country the allies promised to protect specifically from german agression.
Even attacking Poland and France(all U.S allies) wasn't enough to get specific USA soldiers on their doorstep sinking US ships and trying to ally with its enemies(Mexico and Japan) were needed to get that.
tl;dr it seems like Dragon's Dogma 2 (an upcoming Capcom game) will include Enigma DRM. The section from the commit to Valve Wine's bleeding_edge branch specifically noted to fix Monster Hunter Rise ( https://github.com/ValveSoftware/wine/commit/711601ab05b37eac03465794c8342e171fa395c6 ) was updated to include the AppID for Dragon's Dogma 2, meaning the workaround to fix Monster Hunter Rise (which, I assume, is a fix for a breakage caused by the newly-added Enigma DRM) is also required for Dragon's Dogma 2 ( https://github.com/ValveSoftware/wine/commit/41290c089b299aa2b2fb90ae61585f156c38517f ).
Valve's Wine fork ( https://github.com/ValveSoftware/wine ) is split into several branches: The major Proton versions (8.0, 7.0, etc), the Experimental Branches for each of these (experimental_8.0, etc). There is also a "bleeding_edge" branch, which you can enable for Proton Experimental by searching for it in your Steam Library, going to Properties -> Betas, and selecting the bleeding_edge branch.
As the article has been updated to note that Monster Hunter Rise has been fixed in Proton Hotfix, a few hours ago at the time of writing, the Bleeding Edge branch got a commit to fix Monster Hunter Rise. The fix consists of checking if a game's AppID matches one in a list, and if it does, setting the "WINESTEAMNOEXEC" environment variable to "1" (presumably). Currently it does it for the following games:
- Mafia II (Classic) (50130)
- Call of Duty: Black Ops II (202990)
- Call of Duty: Black Ops II - Zombies (212910, not appearing on store page or SteamDB, but this AppID shows up in search engines)
- Madballs in Babo:Invasion (25700)
- Monster Hunter Rise (1446780)
These games could conceivably contain problematic DRM that requires a workaround (no idea about Madballs

We also know that Capcom have tried to include this DRM in games in the past (Resident Evil Revelations) and that they want to include it in more games in the future.
Valve's Wine bleeding_edge branch got another commit to enable this fix for AppID 2054970 ( https://github.com/ValveSoftware/wine/commit/41290c089b299aa2b2fb90ae61585f156c38517f ), which is Dragon's Dogma 2 ( https://store.steampowered.com/app/2054970/Dragons_Dogma_2 ).
I suppose this is not necessarily surprising as Capcom have stated they want to include this in more games, but this could be food for thought for anyone interested in this game.
As I said, I'm not a Wine dev. I am only inferring this based on: Monster Hunter Rise got an update that broke Wine compatibility -> This update added a new DRM -> Valve appear to have fixed this in their Wine fork by adding the Monster Hunter Rise AppID to a section that could conceivably be related to other games with DRM-related issues -> Dragon's Dogma 2 was later also added to this part of the code.
Anyone who is a lot smarter than me, please feel free to correct me if I am wrong. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing as they say.

EDIT: I want to emphasise that this is purely informational, I am not stating an opinion on whether or not the game should or should not include this DRM. However, the store page for Dragon's Dogma 2 at time of writing does not disclose that it will contain Enigma DRM, and still states that it is using Denuvo. The Monster Hunter Rise store page also does not disclose that it is using the Enigma DRM. The information of what DRM Dragon's Dogma 2 may or may not include may be of value to some people, though, and Capcom have yet to disclose this. The recent commits to Valve Wine were just an observation I thought interesting and informative to share.
Last edited by sonic2kk on 23 January 2024 at 2:29 am UTC
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