This is a bit unusual. DAVE THE DIVER from developer MINTROCKET has a new Godzilla DLC out now, which is entirely free to claim but it's not sticking around forever. DAVE THE DIVER is rated Steam Deck Verified and Gold on ProtonDB.
The DLC will only be available to claim until November 23, 2024. After that, no one else will be able to claim it. If you do claim it though, it's yours to keep. The gaming industry does some weird stuff at times. Why put all the effort into a collab to pull it away so quickly? Anyway, since it's free to keep you got nothing to lose.
Check out the trailer:

Direct Link
A truly wonderful game, and now with some extra free content too. Nice. There was also a patch to fix some issues.
DAVE THE DIVER is currently 25% off on:
If you already own it just add the DLC to your account on Steam.
Intentionally causing Fomo might be a thing, but Toho might also be weird with their licensing.
Yeah, honestly I'd bet on this being a licensing thing. Especially since it's free, there's no income to pay for renewing the license.
At least they're transparent on how long it'll be available too. Plus it's a good game anyways. lolIntentionally causing Fomo might be a thing, but Toho might also be weird with their licensing.
Yeah, honestly I'd bet on this being a licensing thing. Especially since it's free, there's no income to pay for renewing the license.
The Dredge DLC had a bit more of an impact on the game.
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