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As if things couldn't get any worse, now EA are looking at ways of putting adverts in video games to squeeze every possible penny from you.

We have mass layoffs with CEOs taking no responsibility, AI being shoved in our faces everywhere possible to eventually replace everyone and now real-world adverts inside our video games too? When will this AAA enshittification of gaming end? Never, obviously. CEOs and their shareholders will never stop chasing every possible extra penny. Growth for growths sake and it simply must continue. Consume consumers!

Writing in their latest Earnings Call, Andrew Wilson - Electronic Arts Inc. - Chairman & CEO said:

"To answer your question on advertising broadly, again, I think it's still early on that front. And we have looked over the course of our history to be very thoughtful about advertising in the context of our play experiences. But again, as we think about the many, many billions of hours spent, both playing, creating, watching and connecting and where much of that engagement happens to be on the bounds of a traditional game experience, our expectation is that advertising has an opportunity to be a meaningful driver of growth for us."

Wilson continues:

"We'll be very thoughtful as we move into that, but we have teams internally in the company right now looking at how do we do very thoughtful implementations inside of our game experiences. But more importantly, as we start to build community and harness the power of community beyond the bounds of our games, how do we think about advertising as a growth driver in those types of experiences?"

This only makes me think of that scene in Ready Player One, where they talk about selling up to 80% of your vision for adverts.

Pictured - Ready Player One, Warner Bros. Pictures

Also mentioned in the report is that Apex Legends continues to do well as it "grew 29 points over the last fiscal year" and as for Battlefield? A new one is on the way that "is going to be another tremendous live service". That's…certainly a way to describe an upcoming game.

For Linux and Steam Deck fans, EA are not exactly doing great. Their continued push for their home-grown EA anticheat has been causing problems because it's not supported at all. At least for now Apex Legends is safe with EAC which was just updated.

Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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finaldest May 13
I am done with this nonsense.

After the last week or so with Sony, Micosoft, Ubisoft and now EA playing shenanigans I have purged my wishlist of all games from these clowns. To summarise this last week,

Sony and their PSN requirement and then banning and removing 180 countries from access to their titles on steam.

Microsoft buying up and then shutting studios, not to mention Gamepass which has caused significant financial damage to numerous studios.

Ubisoft killing games to force players to upgrade and pay again for the next instalment. AKA The Crew.

And now EA want to shove adverts down our throats.

I am Done and voting with my wallet. I will now support the indies who actually care about what they create and put out.

I am convinced at this point that a major crash within the games industry is just around the corner.
Mohandevir May 13
Quoting: 3lfk1ngSuper Simple Solution:

Open Steam.
Select the Store.
Search for Electronic Arts.
Click on the "Gear" icon
Select "Ignore this Publisher"

Thanks! I didn't know about that. Done!
tfk May 13
Who wants to play some Command & Coca Cola?
Pengling May 13
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Quoting: finaldestI am convinced at this point that a major crash within the games industry is just around the corner.
I believe it's already begun. It's already not hard to tell which pre-existing companies and indies will be left standing afterwards - if you look around, there are certainly some who've clearly prepared for this inevitability.
Quoting: tfkWho wants to play some Command & Coca Cola?

Quoting: Pengling
Quoting: finaldestI am convinced at this point that a major crash within the games industry is just around the corner.
I believe it's already begun. It's already not hard to tell which pre-existing companies and indies will be left standing afterwards - if you look around, there are certainly some who've clearly prepared for this inevitability.
It begins......
Now I wish I had ever had plans to buy an EA game, so I could boycot them.
Caldathras May 13
Quoting: Talon1024The Seven Deadly Sinners of the Game Industry

Greed: EA
Wrath: Nintendo
Sloth: Bethesda
Pride/Hubris: Rockstar Games
Lust: Epic Games
Gluttony: Microsoft
Envy: ???

Wouldn't Embracer and Microsoft be in competition for the Gluttony slot?
Caldathras May 13
To think I was considering to eventually try the other Dragon Age games and the Mass Effect series, once I get through more of my backlog. EA just keeps doing things that make me want to boycott them instead ...

Last edited by Caldathras on 13 May 2024 at 4:15 pm UTC
Jahimself May 13
I quit EA games since origin came out! They have some good title, but their policy is probably one of the most terrible from the market.
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