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Well, here's a bit of a nuisance. Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR'S CUT is launching on May 16th and the developers have explained how it will work on Steam Deck but it's a mixture of good and bad news.

Sadly on Steam Deck and presumably desktop Linux too, since they both use Proton, you'll only be able to play single-player. At least, for now, until Valve can sort out whatever the issues are preventing the online mode from working.

Here's what the developer said:

Steam Deck support

We know many of you are eager to play Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut on handheld gaming devices like the Steam Deck. We're happy to share that the single player experience, including the Iki Island expansion, can be enjoyed on Steam Deck and similar handheld gaming PCs as we’ve worked extensively to optimize performance and deliver the best possible experience on these devices.

You may notice that Steam marks the game as 'Unsupported' for Steam Deck. This is due to the Legends co-op multiplayer mode requiring Windows to access PlayStation Network integrated features.

For those confused, the game will have a brand new never-seen before PlayStation Overlay shipping in this game first, which hooks into the PlayStation Network for things like Friends, Trophies and more.

It may very well be the case that for now, Proton (the Windows compatibility layer), is just missing some features that need to be hooked up in a future Proton release. We've seen this sort of thing happen in the past and eventually Proton updates catch up with what's needed. So, all hope may not be lost, we just have to wait and see what Valve have to say about it. Concerning to see though, because no doubt a lot of future Sony PlayStation titles coming to PC will have this new PlayStation Network overlay. I've emailed Valve for info on this.

Worth pointing out at this point too, just like with Helldivers 2, the game has been restricted on Steam with various places unable to buy it due to the PSN requirement for the online mode.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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Quoting: fagnerlnwoke exclusives
slaapliedje May 17
Quoting: fagnerlnI hate sony and most of their woke exclusives (not sure if it's the case of this specific game, but I don't care anyway), so I have a little interest in this game...

However, why are we complaining about this? It's nice that it at least run! There's a lot of games that disallow to play single player game because of online bullshit. For example is FIFA/EA-FC, I have no interest in playing that online-loot-box mode, I only want to play a local 1v1 against my friend, which I can't because of anti cheat.

So I think that this is better than nothing... Sony isn't that bad with Linux support.
This particular game isn't 'woke'. Assassins Creed: Shadows on the other hand. Talk about some immersion breaking choice of characters for the era the game takes place in...
EduAAA May 18
This game has the same flaw The Witcher 3 has, if you like to explore and do everyquest you get overleveled... even open world games that tell a story need to care about that, in the end I guess those players that skip the intro, and go forward without reeding because that's too much effort apparently, play the best way.
slaapliedje May 20
Quoting: EduAAAThis game has the same flaw The Witcher 3 has, if you like to explore and do everyquest you get overleveled... even open world games that tell a story need to care about that, in the end I guess those players that skip the intro, and go forward without reeding because that's too much effort apparently, play the best way.
That sounds like a definite design flaw. It used to be that you'd do the side quests so that you were high enough level to do the main quests. Kind of the whole incentive to do them in the first place. Or, even to get an extra magic item, or potion, etc. One of these days, I should play Witcher 3...I got stuck on 2.
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