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Manjaro 24.0 released with KDE Plasma 6, GNOME 46, Linux kernel 6.9

By - | Views: 41,793

Manjaro 24.0, based on Arch Linux, has been released pulling in a whole lot of upgrades across every part of the system. Despite a good few screw-ups in the past, Manjaro is actually a pretty reasonable choice for those of you who want a very up to date system with an easy install. It's even the Linux distribution Valve picked in their Developing for Steam Deck without a Dev-Kit guide.

Manjaro 24.0 Wynsdey brings with it GNOME 46.1, KDE Plasma 6.0.4 (with KDE Gear 24.02.02), Linux kernel 6.9 for the latest hardware support and Xfce 4.18. You also get Mesa 24.06, NVIDIA 550.78 and numerous updates to other software.

Pictured - Manjaro 24.0 Wynsdey, KDE Plasma

See their release announcement, along with some changes on their forum. Download from the Manjaro website.

Going by Valve's own survey and ours, Manjaro remains one of the more popular Linux distributions on the desktop. Have you used it recently, or are you using it now? Let me know in the comments how you're getting on with it.

At some point this year we're also going to see the Manjaro Gaming Edition which will come pre-installed on the Orange Pi Neo Linux gaming handheld.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Luke_Nukem May 14
soooo.... folks are still updating distros live via a terminal in desktop and expecting things to be smooth every time?

Y'all should at least switch to a TTY to update, that way if you stomp the desktop your update will at least finish.

This, plus the need to restart various services is why an update-reboot (such as in fedora) is good.
Quoting: Luke_Nukemsoooo.... folks are still updating distros live via a terminal in desktop and expecting things to be smooth every time?

Y'all should at least switch to a TTY to update, that way if you stomp the desktop your update will at least finish.

This, plus the need to restart various services is why an update-reboot (such as in fedora) is good.
Fedora users only need to click "Update & Restart" on GNOME Software or KDE Discover and it will perform an offline update. No need to think about this kind of stuff.

I've personally never updated from a TTY and never had an update interrupted in the years I've used Linux, but using Silverblue has been reassuring because the update doesn't even need to be applied offline; it's always applied completely or not at all.
Ali_John May 15
My update went well but I followed the method for KDE users: do it on tty.

Then I updated the kernel to 6.9(ni.ce) and it broke the grub spash screen. I disabled that and don't think I need that really.

BattleNet games selecting my on board GPU is an interesting new bug. I opened WoW not paying attention to the framerate with Ray Traced Shadows on and the game was 0.5454646 fps according to the MangoHud lol. I had to force my gpu on the game settings and it got fixed. Lutris setting to select GPU did not work at all.

KDE 6 is the same, all the manjaro kernel or mhwd settings are not in system settings anymore which is annoying. Thermal monitor plugin does not work and I want something like that back please. Biggest change so far is when you volume up or down the notification sound is different.Yay. Not a Waylander, don't know if it's even worth using it for.
Quoting: Luke_Nukemsoooo.... folks are still updating distros live via a terminal in desktop and expecting things to be smooth every time?

Y'all should at least switch to a TTY to update, that way if you stomp the desktop your update will at least finish.

This, plus the need to restart various services is why an update-reboot (such as in fedora) is good.

I have never, in over two decades of using Linux, had a problem with updating a distro from a desktop terminal.
Luke_Nukem May 15
Quoting: Mountain Man
Quoting: Luke_Nukemsoooo.... folks are still updating distros live via a terminal in desktop and expecting things to be smooth every time?

Y'all should at least switch to a TTY to update, that way if you stomp the desktop your update will at least finish.

This, plus the need to restart various services is why an update-reboot (such as in fedora) is good.

I have never, in over two decades of using Linux, had a problem with updating a distro from a desktop terminal.

In over two decades of Linux (we're old I guess) I have, at least a few times.
amatai May 15
Quoting: pete910
Quoting: dpanter
Quoting: ssj17vegetaAs a long-standing (K)Ubuntu user for the last 15 years, I was wondering, is Manjaro the "rolling release distro with the power of Arch minus the hassle of reading tons of documentation" or not ?

No. Manjaro is rotten garbage, avoid at all costs.
If you want Arch, use Arch.

Complete and utter bullshit !
I would have agreed with you a few year ago, as time passes I'm more and more agreeing with dpanter.
Arch had some improvement that made Manjaro less and less relevant. (I consider using EOS like using Arch as the difference is tiny).
LightOff May 15
I had the "All apps are gone" problem on my laptop, restarting didn’t fix it, but clearing my .cache folder then restarting did work.
Hope this helps someone.
Kivarnis May 15
Quoting: ssj17vegetaAs a long-standing (K)Ubuntu user for the last 15 years, I was wondering, is Manjaro the "rolling release distro with the power of Arch minus the hassle of reading tons of documentation" or not ?

Works just fine, some caveats like literally anything else, have many years of it being perfectly fine aside my own stupidity..
Brokatt May 15
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I tried Manjaro in February but it broke after an update. I was unable to boot so I wiped the disk and install Kubuntu instead.
whizse May 15
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Quoting: Mountain ManI have never, in over two decades of using Linux, had a problem with updating a distro from a desktop terminal.
Not a GNOME user then?
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