Terraria the smash-hit indie game is being turned into a tabletop experience with Terraria: The Board Game. It's crowdfunding on Kickstarter, and obviously it was going to do well.
Their goal was met almost instantly! At time of writing the main goal is £19,850 and they have £223,697 pledged. So yeah, clearly a lot of people are wanting in on this one and who could blame them? It looks great! Official too of course, made by Paper Fort Games in collaboration with Re-Logic!
With this adaption it will be playable for 1-4 people (solo play is an option) with world exploration, co-op play, dice-based combat, deck-building and little miniatures for bosses you can paint too.

Direct Link
It's certainly not cheap though at £62 to get it (not including shipping), but this is a special game adaption, it's quite different to just going into a local store and picking up a copy of Monopoly. You're paying to support the creators as much as you are getting a board game for you to play.
Check out the full project on Kickstarter.
Will you be jumping in for this one as well?

Wonder how it plays .
Am a bit torn between just buying ASAP or waiting for reviews.
To sell on kickstarter, a game has to have plastic miniatures. Making the molds is costy. If such a game "only needing 20.000$ for the funding" is not performing well and has a funding of "only" 10 times the initial funding goal, it is cancelled, because it's going to cost money.
To sell on kickstarter, a game has to have plastic miniatures. Making the molds is costy.These days couldn't you use a high-end 3d printer?
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