Ultimate Chicken Horse is easily one of the funniest and stupidest party-platformers I've ever played, and it just had a free content update with a big discount.
This is no ordinary platformer. You and friends build the level as you play, as you each try to reach the end of the level. You take it in turns to place down various different types of platforms and traps. It's all about scoring enough points to beat your friends. It gets weird.
They just released the Pandamonium Update which brings in a new Panda character, 4 new skins, 2 new levels, 2 new outfits, 3 new music tracks and an assortment of other improvements and bug fixes.

Direct Link
Really great fun and it has both local and cross-platform multiplayer so you can play with pretty much anyone. I don't have a single bad word to say about this one, it's well worth your time. I've played quite a lot with my own family and it's always a riot.
Ultimate Chicken Horse has Native Linux support and is Steam Deck Verified.
To go along with the update it's 65% off now, which is the biggest discount it's had since the 2016 release.
You can buy it from:
I played time ago and it was fun, they also sing when you press one of the keys, hilarious xD
This game isn't serious. The chicken is the best without doubt. 🐔Neigh! It's the snakeboarding skate – I mean, skateboarding snake.

I've played this quite a lot over the years with friends, and it's always a blast (sometimes literally). The new levels look pretty interesting, I'll have to see about setting up a session.
(I love this game)
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