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The developer of The Doors of Trithius got in touch to provide some Steam keys to give away for their Early Access expansive open-world RPG roguelike. A game I only covered recently after noticing the developer added Native Linux support.

It looks great too! Especially if you like the sound of tactical turn-based combat in a living world of warring factions, wandering behemoths, and ancient magic. It seems players love it too with a Very Positive rating on Steam from over 300 people.

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As a reminder on just some of what the game offers you:

Game World

  • Random Generation: Each adventure is unique as towns, dungeons, and the world map are newly generated on every playthrough.
  • Exploration: Navigate a vast, dangerous world where survival is key. Establish campsites, forage for sustenance, and manage your weariness to endure the wilderness. Every tile on the world map can be explored and persists across time.
  • Varied Enemy Types: Over 100 unique enemy types with customized AI challenge your skills and adaptability.
  • Challenging Dungeons: Test your mettle against 8 unique dungeon types, each with custom layouts and room types, including castles, caves, fortresses, hideouts, and temples.

Combat & Skills

  • Turn-Based Combat: Our tick-based time system brings a fresh twist to turn-based combat. Turn priority hinges on your movement, weapon speed, and action speed, emphasizing the importance of tactical decisions.
  • Combat Options: Customize your strategy with over 200 combat abilities, and 12 weapon skill types, each with a unique playstyle.
  • Skills: Experience 14 non-combat skills such as Medicine, Alchemy, Quartermastery, Athletics, and Reading. Level skills through use and strategic focus point allocation, unlocking abilities and passives to tailor your character to your playstyle.

Progression & Customization

  • Expansive Loot: Hundreds of items including potions, armor, recipes, and in-game readable lore books. Stumble upon rare enchantments or learn to enchant your items yourself.
  • Questing: Complete quests for rewards and to increase your reputation among the locals, unlocking exclusive benefits. On top of the hand-designed quests, towns and cities generate dynamic quests based on NPC roles in each town.
  • In-Depth Crafting: Craft food, potions and medicine; upgrade and maintain your armor with salvaged materials. Enhance your crafting skills by purchasing or finding recipe scrolls.
  • Character Customization: Shape your character's destiny with 7 background choices and over 30 starting traits.

The Giveaway

How to win a key? Just comment below and note clearly you're interested.

Giveaway closes Monday, 3rd June, 8PM BST / 7PM UTC. Winners will be sent a DM here.

Don't want to wait? You can buy it on Steam right now.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
About the author -
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Turn-based combat, eh? Yes, I am quite interested.
neodc May 29
Interested! =)
Definitely interested in the giveaway.
Nice to see another one man project with an extremely positive rating.
scaine May 29
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I picked this up shortly after the recent article on it and I've already sank over 20 hours! It doesn't quite have the build-depth of Tales of Maj-Eyal, but ability to spam-save (if you want) creates a much more accessible experience. Lovely interface too, and once you get a few levels, the travel system opens up the overland map in quite a natural way - I hated "stumbling" into areas in ToME that instantly killed me. Whereas here, the travel system keeps you within a tolerance of your actual level, which is pretty clever. Great game. Happy giveaway everyone!
bezirg May 29
Native Linux support? Count me in!
robvv May 29
A new turn-based RPG to play on my Tumbleweed system would be great!
xavi May 29
Totally interested! I played a lot of Nethack in the past, and later DCSS, Tales of Maj'Eyal and Brogue.
chronohart May 29
Looks like a neat game! I'm interested in the giveaway. Thanks!
NardoLeo May 29
I love rogue-like Stoneshard style
I'm very much interested
Love me a good RPG, interested for sure
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