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HORI announced a special gamepad for Steam / Steam Deck

By - | Views: 32,977

HORI, a manufacturer of popular gaming accessories have today revealed the Wireless Horipad for Steam. So if you're in need of a gamepad, this might be for you.

The main thing that concerns me here for Linux and Steam Deck support, is their mention of a dedicated app for it. We've seen before from the likes of 8BitDo, that certain buttons on their controllers (like back paddles) require a dedicated app and so cannot be configured directly on Linux / Steam Deck.

In this case though, HORI do show a shot of Steam Input which has the back paddles listed on it, so perhaps we might see full Steam Input support for it. Considering it's a dedicated Steam controller, it would be odd if you couldn't adjust everything in Steam Input. They do also mention Steam Deck repeatedly too.


  • Back paddles (L4/R4) and 2 extra custom buttons (M1/M2) right on the bottom.
  • A dedicated Quick Access button.
  • Support for Bluetooth, XInput and DirectInput, but seems XInput only via Wired connection.
  • Estimated 12 hour battery life (3.5 hours to fully charge).
  • Gyro in the "Steam mode". With the sticks having a touch sensor too.
  • Rapid fire ability on face buttons (ABXY).

Their info mentions it does not have vibration though, or a microphone port.

So far, it seems to be only announced via their Japanese store with no mention on their USA or UK stores. Price according to their page is 9,780 Japanese Yen, so about £50 GBP / $60 USD.

Update: in a news post about Steam Input, Valve confirmed they have added support for the new HORIPAD for Steam and they "worked with HORI's team to make their controller work well with Steam Input".

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mattaraxia 3 days ago
Crazy. What this really means is, every feature of this controller, any customization of the buttons and features like that, are all being planned, by the maker, to work on Linux on day one.

Right now I really like my 8biitDo Ultimate, but I hate that I can't properly configure all the buttons on Linux.

Good times.
const 3 days ago
Not sure what to think about this. I kind of wish it had touchpads, but on the other side, the only situation I really need controllers is in local multiplayer and touchpads are kind of less usefull at that.
This is probably not for me. I'm still glad they are coming. Good times.
Linux_Rocks 3 days ago
Even if they somehow end up Japan only, you'll probably be able to get them from Play-Asia.
Luke_Nukem 3 days ago
I hate that stick-offset so much.. Make the bloody things symmetrical.
Pengling 3 days ago
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Quoting: Linux_RocksEven if they somehow end up Japan only, you'll probably be able to get them from Play-Asia.
Since Hori's store is on Rakuten, you could probably use the Buyee proxy-service, as well.
enigmaxg2 3 days ago
Why the f*** almost any third party controllers mimics xbox stick-dpad placement?
Arehandoro 3 days ago
People on Reddit are saying that the controllers don't have rumble or haptics. I could make do without trackpads, but lacking both is a hard pass for me.
tmtvl 2 days ago
I am also one of the people who prefers the symmetric DualShock layout over the asymmetric layout.

Quoting: basedLoving how the dark blue/purple one looks

Reminds me of the Nintendo Gamecube.
dpanter 2 days ago
Sakuretsu 2 days ago
Does it have Hall Effect sticks/buttons?
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