As confirmed by developer Yacht Club Games at the end of their latest Yacht Club Games Presents broadcast, a brand new Shovel Knight game is on the way! Plus, we're also being treated to Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope DX.
From the official announcement;
We're committed to crafting an experience that not only honors the Shovel Knight legacy but also pioneers groundbreaking, innovative gameplay mechanics. This isn't just another sequel - it's a bold new adventure that will launch Shovel Knight into an entirely new dimension of gaming.
We're not quite ready to unveil everything just yet, rest assured, the game will bring electrifying action, richer mechanics, and all the timeless charm you expect from a Shovel Knight title.
It's been four years in the making because we're dedicated to perfecting every pixel and ensuring that the innovation will redefine what a Shovel Knight game can be.
And for those of you eager to uncover what's coming next, you might find subtle clues scattered throughout our previous games. Be sure to play Dig, Pocket Dungeon, and all the games in the Treasure Trove to notice the hidden details we've planted. Stay tuned, Shovelers- the future of the Blue Burrower is bright!
A cryptic 9-second teaser video was also provided;

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The description's mention of "an entirely new dimension of gaming", and the teaser simply showing the Yacht Club Games logo in 3D, might suggest that the long-requested so-called "Shovel Knight 64" 3D platformer could finally be on the way - though that's just my own speculation!
No other details, including platforms, have been announced as yet, but hopefully the fact that the original Shovel Knight had a native Linux version will have some bearing here. If not, we've always got Proton!
On top of that Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope DX is coming which is an "enhanced edition of the pixel-perfect adventure that started it all". This does list Linux in the system requirements just like the original. More:
Jump, battle foes, and seek treasures as you quest to defeat the Order of No Quarter and their vile leader, The Enchantress. Shovel of Hope DX enriches the original game with 20 distinctive playable characters, seamless online multiplayer, and innovative additions like rewind and save states. Whether you're a long-time shoveler or eager to discover the Blue Burrower for the first time, Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope DX invites everyone to celebrate a decade of digging, dashing, and discovery.

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