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Steam Deck plugin system Decky Loader 3.0 gets a first pre-release

By - | Views: 19,747

Decky Loader is a very popular tool to add plugins to the Steam Deck Gaming Mode, and Decky Loader 3.0 should be a big improvement.

The first pre-release is now available for testing, allowing you to give feedback before the final 3.0 release. Naturally, if you don't want to deal with any breakage, you should wait for the the main 3.0 release.

Here's what they said about it:

Along with fixing the newest break in the steam beta, we're proud to announce we're releasing the first prerelease of Decky Loader 3.0, the websocket rewrite! We'd love users to give any feedback about any new errors that might show up.

For users, it means a hopefully more stable experience with better error handling, as well as more in-depth progress indication in Decky and its plugins. It's also allowed us to fix a bug where Decky would sometimes not start without an internet connection.

For plugin developers, it means a significantly easier to use API (it is now also asynchronous) and an easy way to do backend -> frontend communication. You can read more about how to migrate here and about the new api here.

Sounds like a really nice technical update.

More info on Decky Loader from the official website.

Article taken from
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