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Valve has a new Steam Chart for the most played Steam Deck games

By - | Views: 30,939

While every month Valve has been posting a fresh set of the most played Steam Deck games for the previous month, they've now added a dedicated Steam Chart for it. Like the most played for May and again for April.

So you no longer have to wait for Valve to post about what's currently hot, you can just go and see for yourself. Like other Steam Charts you can filter it and with the Steam Deck chart it lets you view the most played games over the last week, month and year based on player counts.

For example, this is for the last week, and handily it shows the Deck Verified rating too:

Clarifying the date periods, Valve posted on X/Twitter that "The data for these lists updates daily across a rolling time window. For example, on June 27th the Top 100 for “past week” would cover June 21st - June 27th.". They will be adding a note on the page to say so too.

If you look over the last year, it's impressive to see Baldur's Gate 3 remaining as the number one most played game on Steam Deck with DAVE THE DIVER in second and ELDEN RING in third place.

See more on the Steam Deck Steam Chart.

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Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Hannes 3 days ago
Quoting: SeegrasSleep and resume, yes. But I totally don't understand why you would want to play first-person rpgs like Fallout 4 on this a tiny screen. Also, I don't see how this works with the rather massive UI of BG3 -- and no mouse either.

Stardew Valley seems like a perfect fit, however, and so do most of the low-res jrpgs.

Agreed, I am always surprised that so many "heavyweight" games dominate the Steam Deck charts. I don't find the new Steam Deck Most Played list very helpful for discovering games that are great on Deck, if that was Valve's intention.

Games that take 150h to finish have a massive advantage vs. games that are finished after 10h. And for every current AAA title that barely runs at 30 FPS, there are ten games in the "long tail" of past masterworks that work perfectly, but which don't have as many concurrent players.

It'd be more interesting to see a diff between the Steam Deck and regular Steam charts to find games that are especially popular or unpopular on Deck.

Last edited by Hannes on 1 July 2024 at 7:00 am UTC
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