Gaijin Entertainment have released the Seek & Destroy update for War Thunder which as usual sprinkles in a bunch of new content, along with some general tweaks across the board.
Some of the new content includes separate flares & chaff, new crew models, the introduction of brand-new FOX-3 missiles for each nation and a whole lot of new vehicles. There's new ground vehicles for: USA, China, USSR, Great Britain, Italy, France, Sweden, Israel and new aircraft for: USA, Germany, USSR, Great Britain, Japan, China, Italy, France, Sweden and Israel. They've also remade various helicopter cockpits, there's a bunch of new naval units too, a new air battle map, a new naval battle map, an option for smaller air realistic battle team sizes, Wheels on ground vehicles are now physical and will fall off a vehicle when shot at and so much more.
There's a couple of nice UI improvements too like finally getting the ability to drag and drop vehicles from the research tree, and the ability to change the order of crew slots. You can also now remove a vehicle by simply dragging it over a remove box, plus some appearance changes to the slotbar for crews and vehicles to make them "more visually convenient and easy to use". You can even now collapse ranks in the research tree, hiding the ones you've already completely done to focus on the later vehicles. There's lots of little additions like that, finally making the UI feel better.

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See lots more in the changelog.
You can play free on Steam. War Thunder has Native Linux support.
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