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Supporting Doctors Without Borders, Games Done Quick is back and so is the Summer Games Done Quick Humble Bundle.

Below I will do my usual round-up of what's in the bundle plus the Steam Deck rating, any ProtonDB rating if there is one (or if it has Native Linux support) and each is a Steam link if you need more info first. Here's all that you can get in the bundle:

The bundle has a shorter duration, so will only be live for the next 11 days.

Pick it up from Humble Bundle.

Also see more about Games Done Quick on the website.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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Caldathras 2 days ago
Not sure that I could ever consider Morrowind to be in the category of "Games Done Quick". I have probably logged thousands of hours into that game. I suppose it would be possible to speed-run the main quest but you'd be missing out on so much more that the game has to offer ...
hardpenguin a day ago
Also once you load OpenMW through Luxtorpeda then Morrowind is as good as a fully verified game 😎
fagnerln a day ago
I think that the best game in this bundle is the big penis Penny's Big Breakaway
Pengling a day ago
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Quoting: CaldathrasNot sure that I could ever consider Morrowind to be in the category of "Games Done Quick". I have probably logged thousands of hours into that game. I suppose it would be possible to speed-run the main quest but you'd be missing out on so much more that the game has to offer ...
That's kind of the point of the Games Done Quick events, though - showcasing often-game-breaking speedruns (and other feats, like arbitrary code execution in Super Mario World, with the glitches allowing it performed as quickly as possible) to raise money for charity.
PoliticsOfStarving about 6 hours ago
I love GDQ but for the last several years I’ve only been able to go back and watch the VODs, because I always forget when it’s happening.
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