The Jackbox Megapicker is a launcher to bring together the many party games that Jackbox Games, Inc. have created to help get your party started. It's out now, and Drawful 2 is free until August 28th.
So even if you don't currently own any Jackbox party games, you can at least put Drawful 2 in the bag. The Jackbox Megapicker is free as well, because it's just a fancy launcher to get you into games easier across their many packs and get you to hopefully buy some more.
Pictured - The Jackbox Megapicker
The Jackbox Megapicker is your all-in-one solution for organizing, buying, and launching all of your Jackbox games. You no longer have to switch between Party Packs to start playing your favorite games. The Megapicker will give you an overview of the games that you own so you can launch them directly. View games you might be missing, and see news updates and ongoing sales all in one place. Filter your games by genre and create an account to store your preferences and see your game history.
To go along with it they're also running a Franchise Sale on Steam so you can pick up some of their games and packs for quite a lot cheaper.

The launcher itself seems rather trash right now. It failed in two ways just doing this simple task. Not only did it try to charge me for the free game, but the Steam overlay UI wouldn't go away, even though I could interact with the launcher below it.
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