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METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE released on GOG plus new giveaway

By - | Views: 17,085

For the GOG fans amongst the GamingOnLinux readership, there's another big DRM-free release available with METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE. Plus, another giveaway.

Available now on GOG with 40% off until July 11th: "The game seamlessly melds pure action and epic story-telling that surrounds Raiden – a child soldier transformed into a half-human, half-cyborg ninja who uses his High Frequency katana blade to cut through any thing that stands in his vengeful path!"

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Plus, for the next 48 hours you can grab a free copy of The First Templar - Special Edition if you scroll down on the GOG homepage when signed in you can add it to your account.

GOG's Summer Sale is ongoing and runs until July 11th, 7AM UTC. You can see some of my picks in the previous article on it.

To easily install GOG games on Linux you can try Heroic Games and Lutris. They support Native Linux games along with using Wine / Proton for Windows games.

Article taken from GamingOnLinux.com.
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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PURCHASED for 8,99U$D!
mrdeathjr 3 days ago

HJ 3 days ago
Like the good ol' days after nine-eleven!
sonic2kk 3 days ago
Quoting: HJLike the good ol' days after nine-eleven!

"Check the Internet lately?"
ElectricPrism 10 years 2 days ago
Looks like I'm buying this twice.
Quoting: sonic2kk
Quoting: HJLike the good ol' days after nine-eleven!

"Check the Internet lately?"

Welcome to the Internet? {NSFWish}

Last edited by ElectricPrism on 5 July 2024 at 5:19 am UTC
MayeulC 2 days ago
Ah, nice, this game has been on my Steam wish list for some time, though it seems it won't go lower than 5€. I'd need a deeper sale to buy it "just in case", as otherwise I'll just play my backlog meanwhile.

Other games in a similar situation before I decided to play them: Nier Automata, Bayonetta, Katamari Damacy. Others I keep an eye on: Vainquish, this one, and Subnautica.

It's a bit weird to me how some games never adjust their base asking price, even when they haven't been updated in 10-20 years (6 years here). Well, I guess inflation will eventually make them cheap enough.

Being released on GoG shows that they haven't forgotten about the game though, and I can justify a slightly higher asking price there.

Last edited by MayeulC on 5 July 2024 at 9:35 am UTC
Avehicle7887 a day ago
Bought and played it for over an hour without issues.
Pit a day ago
Win-only. And I thought this was GOL. Time to leave....
sonic2kk a day ago
Quoting: PitWin-only. And I thought this was GOL. Time to leave....

I don't inherently disagree, but this isn't a new thing. A significant amount of articles for the last long while cover games only playable via Proton, or sometimes not playable with Proton at all. You only need to check the article tags to see a significant amount of articles for games that are Windows-only.

You're absolutely entitled to feel that way, I just want to illustrate that this isn't new by any stretch.
Nocifer a day ago
Quoting: PitWin-only. And I thought this was GOL. Time to leave....

Either you're trolling, or you've been living under a rock for the past 3+ years.

Last edited by Nocifer on 6 July 2024 at 9:29 am UTC
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