Mighty Goose developer Blastmode recently revealed Sea Sniffers, a cozy fishing RPG in which you explore the ocean with your trusty seal companion.
Encounter strange creatures and exotic treasures in sunken ships or hidden caves. Discover the deep sea and all its secrets! Step into the shoes of Kiwi, a young girl who joins the ranks of Sea Sniffers, adventurous souls who dedicate their lives to exploring the world's vast oceans. Embark on adventures with your trusty seal, Momi. Meet interesting people, witness amazing sights and discover fascinating creatures along the way.
No trailer just yet so here's some shots:
- Explore Two Worlds - As a Sea Sniffer, the world is your oyster. You can travel freely and dock your ship wherever you’d like. Find a good spot and cast your rod! Directly control your seal companion to find out what secrets lie beneath the surface.
- Document your findings - The ocean is brimming with life, and your mission is to document every single creature found within its depths. Catch them with the net, but be prepared for a struggle, they won't be caught without a fight!
- Oceanic Life - Experience the sea from a whole new angle by talking with one of the ocean's many inhabitants. Some might share valuable information or clues about a hidden treasure, while others simply enjoy a friendly chat.
- Island Life - In the world of Maluna, where oceans stretch far and wide, every piece of land is somebody's home. Visit shops, talk to locals and help out islanders. You may even receive a reward, or learn about some spicy gossip.
- Research - Bring your discoveries to the Lumira Sea Lab. The researchers here have an endless desire for information about sea creatures, and what makes them unique. Your findings can work towards nifty upgrades for your boat and even your seal companion.
The developer mentioned on X / Twitter it's "Very likely!" it will have Linux support just like their previous game.
You can follow Sea Sniffers on Steam.
So, you're talking to fish, but you're also eating them and selling them into slavery and/or to be eaten? I always kind of feel like it's not nice to do that stuff to people who talk.
Your post reminded me of the cow at the Restaurant at the End of the Universe (from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy). As I recall, she comes to the table to describe her various body parts, to help you decide what you might enjoy dining on.
On the other, there's a shot where your seal is chatting with a fish. So, you're talking to fish, but you're also eating them and selling them into slavery and/or to be eaten?Maybe only the seal can understand the fish?

It looks nice, but I'm feeling this weird disconnect in those screenshots. On one hand, there's this journal page talking about what good eatin' this kind of fish's tail is. The description talks about catching and selling fish, although it's unclear what gets done to them after they're sold. On the other, there's a shot where your seal is chatting with a fish. So, you're talking to fish, but you're also eating them and selling them into slavery and/or to be eaten? I always kind of feel like it's not nice to do that stuff to people who talk.I believe the trope for that is [Carnivore Confusion](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CarnivoreConfusion).
On the quote from the top of that entry--Timon got some great lines.It looks nice, but I'm feeling this weird disconnect in those screenshots. On one hand, there's this journal page talking about what good eatin' this kind of fish's tail is. The description talks about catching and selling fish, although it's unclear what gets done to them after they're sold. On the other, there's a shot where your seal is chatting with a fish. So, you're talking to fish, but you're also eating them and selling them into slavery and/or to be eaten? I always kind of feel like it's not nice to do that stuff to people who talk.I believe the trope for that is [Carnivore Confusion](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CarnivoreConfusion).
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