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Will anything dethrone the Steam Deck? Probably not

By - | Views: 28,776

While other vendors continually push out new handheld pc models, sticking similar internals into different shell designs and gradually bumping up RAM or the Processor, the Steam Deck just keeps selling like hot tasty cakes.

There's multiple other devices out there now that are in a few ways more powerful than the Steam Deck, but that hasn't seemed to matter a whole lot to Valve. Especially since the release of the Steam Deck OLED, which was a pretty huge upgrade, it's constantly a global top seller for Valve.

I've been tracking it over time from their public list, which is done by revenue (not units sold), and of course the price of the Steam Deck compared with games and DLC is a lot higher, but when you think about how many units the likes of ELDEN RING and other top games sell - it's clear Valve are shifting a lot of Steam Deck units still.

Here's the latest data based on the global position:

The data, click to expand
Week Beginning Global Position
June 25, 2024 3
June 18, 2024 6
June 11, 2024 8
June 4, 2024 5
May 28, 2024 3
May 21, 2024 3
May 14, 2024 3
May 7, 2024 4
April 30, 2024 5
April 23, 2024 3
April 16, 2024 3
April 9, 2024 4
April 2, 2024 3
March 26. 2024 5
March 19, 2024 4
March 12, 2024 4
March 5, 2024 3
February 27, 2024 3
February 20, 2024 6
February 13, 2024 5
February 6, 2024 8
January 30, 2024 6
January 23, 2024 5
January 16, 2024 2
January 9, 2024 2
January 2, 2024 1
December 26, 2023 2
December 19, 2023 2
December 12, 2023 1
December 5, 2023 1
November 28, 2023 1
November 21, 2023 1
November 14, 2023 1
November 7, 2023 4
October 31, 2023 9
October 24, 2023 11
October 17, 2023 11
October 10, 2023 13
October 3, 2023 14
September 26, 2023 11
September 19, 2023 5
September 12, 2023 2
September 5, 2023 8
August 29, 2023 6
August 22, 2023 7
August 15, 2023 8
August 8, 2023 6
August 1, 2023 6
July 25, 2023 5
July 18, 2023 8

When compared with other vendors like GPD, AYANEO, ASUS and all the others, Valve of course have the Steam store to back it up. Other vendors don't really have anything like that, so Valve are in a more unique position to stick to one main model. And when Valve discount it, people will continue to flock to it. Other vendors continue to be a gamble, as you buy one model and they're probably just about to move onto their next.

This has so many benefits for players as well though, like good consistent support and constant software upgrades. You only have to look at the new built-in Game Recording feature to see, and the upcoming SteamOS 3.6 that recently moved from Preview to Beta that again brings in some big additions.

Currently there's 15,398 games for Steam Deck rated to be Playable or Verified:

  • Verified: 5,047
  • Playable: 10,351
  • Unsupported: 4,297

Oh yeah, the title, will anything dethrone the Steam Deck? Probably not. Well, not until the Steam Deck 2.

Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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sonic2kk 4 days ago
Quoting: RedWyvernAs it's built-in controls are the most comfortable to me

I also find them to be the most comfortable. It fixes the handful of complaints I had about the original Steam Controller. To be honest, if Valve do end up making that rumoured Joycon-Style Steam Controller 2 that works as VR controllers and joins to become a PC controller, I would probably give up using my Steam Deck! I could have the convenience of the Deck right at my PC.

Quoting: RedWyvernAs the built in streaming is not fully reliable or flexible

I'm not sure about flexible, but I haven't had any reliability issues with In-Home Streaming. I hear it get criticized a lot but it works fine with my usage. I don't use it very often, a few times every few months, but when I do it's for quite extended sessions and it works fine streaming to laptops and my Steam Deck. My PC and laptops all run Arch Linux with Plasma Wayland (I don't remember if I used it on X11 but if I did I don't remember any issues).

Quoting: RedWyvernAnd finally with a custom Desktop Layout, the device is a great Linux Tablet, for casual webbrowsing and even some chats with the Onscreen Keyboard, with Trigger Clicks enabled.

I use this same setup and haptic setup with the keyboard too, but it still just isn't the same. I'm not a big fan of tablets either so that might play a role here. Between my phone, my Steam Deck, my laptops, and my Desktop PC, I have all the form factors, and for all of them I keep missing my multi-screen Desktop with big screens. Most GoL users have only a single display (~56%), so going from a single display PC/laptop/tablet to a Steam Deck probably isn't as much of a noticeable downgrade as it is to those few spoiled enough to have four displays.

(I couldn't scroll in far enough to get a mouseover but to the users who have 6 displays, I'm jealous!)

Last edited by sonic2kk on 3 July 2024 at 1:31 am UTC
pytrys 4 days ago
I have sold mine. Steam Deck is a really nice piece of hardware but it has limitations and after a year I have decided that I prefer my desktop / laptop.
Vortex_Acherontic 4 days ago
As someone who also uses the Steam Deck with Bluetooth keyboard, mouse and a Wacom tablet for Uni to take notes. I secretly have contributed in convincing people to buy one too over the past years (Q1 SteamDeck owner here) and I am proud of this.

I like the Device. While tbh I run openSUSE Aeon on it for Uni because I don't want to get distracted by all the games installed on SteamOS and Gnome is a little more convenient at that screen size to use.

But at home SteamOS gaming all the way. After discovering Junk Store for Decky Loader I also finally got to play all those Free Epic Games I collected just to nag Epic in never actually buying stuff on their platform. 😅

Last edited by Vortex_Acherontic on 3 July 2024 at 7:42 am UTC
TheRiddick 4 days ago
Valve Steam Deck:: So this is how you do it guys!

Other Vendors:: NO! removes features and makes them 2-3x the price!

Customers:: Just buying Steam Deck. Win.

Other Vendors:: Guys guys, look we make another 10 different expensive variants using windows, this is what you want right?!
Hannes 4 days ago
Quoting: CatKillerFYI, there is an ecosystem of accessories for the Deck, much like there is for the Switch. dbrand, for example, have got a slim travel cover for it.

For me, it's not the size of the case that is the issue, but that I have to get my Deck out of my backpack, and then unpeel another layer of protection which I have to put somewhere before I can start to play. Also, the Deck has an awkward shape that doesn't have a natural place in my bag next to my water bottle and lunch box (unlike laptops which go into their standardized compartments).

Basically, I wish Valve shipped the Deck with something like the JSAUX shoulder bag that you can just slide it in and out of. And I wish there were more specialized backpacks, like a larger one that has places for both a laptop and a Deck (and my lunch).

Quoting: d3Xt3rMost AMD handhelds, coupled with gaming-oriented Linux distros (Bazzite, ChimeraOS, CachyOS etc) do the immediate suspend/wake-up thing without any issues.

Thanks, that's good to hear. I still wish there were prebuilt AMD Steam Machines that I could just buy off the shelf. Buying a faster handheld than the Deck gets expensive fast, and I don't really need the built-in screen and controllers. (The built-in controller actually confuses some games like Sackboy and Ex-Zodiac in docked mode.)

Last edited by Hannes on 3 July 2024 at 8:34 am UTC
hardpenguin 4 days ago
I wonder how is the adoption rate going or has the device already reached its peak.

Surely there can't be that many people who want a Steam handheld? And those who do mostly already got one.

Next step: Steam Controller revival! This one is a must have!

...and Steam Machine revival maaaaaaybe? Considering maturity of Steam Deck Verified program and the strong partnership with AMD this is doable now.
numasan 4 days ago
I love the Steam Deck and everything about it. Got one from the first batch and it's become my primary gaming device ever since. I wish I could play all my Switch games on it, also for the much better ergonomics.

I actually feel bad for people buying the other handhelds, as it is obvious that they are alpha testers for clueless manufacturers that are just after a quick buck. And they are marketing Windows on them as I it is a feature, ugh...

I'm so happy we have Valve contributing upstream to the wider Linux ecosystem. I trust Valve and their plans for the Steam Deck, compared to other brands hardware, so much that I just bought the Steam Deck OLED, even if I already have the original.
ToddL 4 days ago
Quoting: numasanI love the Steam Deck and everything about it. Got one from the first batch and it's become my primary gaming device ever since. I wish I could play all my Switch games on it, also for the much better ergonomics.

As long as your Switch games aren't from Nintendo or exclusive to the console, a majority of the releases that the Switch gets also show up on Steam with discounts. My approach is that if the Nintendo Direct shows any games of my interest, I check to see if they appears on Steam and if so, I'd rather go buy it from there once they become available so that I know I can play them on the Steam Deck or PC. This is one of many reasons that I don't support Nintendo anymore and I'm glad to be a Steam Deck owner.
lejimster 4 days ago
Quoting: FauconNoirI was thinking that maybe they artificially push it to the top sellers to advertise it...

They could do that. But with how the actual Linux user share has been trending to its highest levels I don't think so.

The only gripe I have is publishers not working with Valve on their anticheat after so much progress in that area.
numasan 4 days ago
Quoting: ToddLAs long as your Switch games aren't from Nintendo or exclusive to the console, a majority of the releases that the Switch gets also show up on Steam with discounts. My approach is that if the Nintendo Direct shows any games of my interest, I check to see if they appears on Steam and if so, I'd rather go buy it from there once they become available so that I know I can play them on the Steam Deck or PC. This is one of many reasons that I don't support Nintendo anymore and I'm glad to be a Steam Deck owner.

I only buy Nintendo games on my Switch, and like you get third party games I'm interested in on Steam. I still love Nintendo games, even though the company becomes more like Disney unfortunately.
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