Update #1 - 14:31 UTC: Rockstar have now put up an official FAQ for BattlEye where they state:
Is BattlEye compatible with Steam Deck?
Steam Deck does not support BattlEye for GTA Online. You will be able to play GTAV Story Mode but unable to play GTA Online.
Note: GTAV and GTA Online are not officially supported on Steam Deck and all technical support questions should be directed to Valve’s Steam Deck support content and community.
I'm still currently waiting for an official statement from Rockstar on any plans to enable it, since BattlEye as mentioned below is supported on Linux / Steam Deck.
Update #2 - 18/09/24, 9:30 UTC: Rockstar press did not reply, but their support team did. They simply copied the new FAQ entry noted above, and when pushed just told me to use their feedback form and closed up my ticket asking about it. Typical support-level reply.
I've emailed Valve press to see if they have anything they would like to say on the situation.
Original article below:
Surprisingly, Rockstar have now added BattlEye anti-cheat to Grand Theft Auto V / GTA Online, and sadly it seems they have not enabled the support for Linux desktop and Steam Deck with Valve's Proton. The game is currently rated Steam Deck Playable.
When you try to play online, you might stay in for a minute or so but then abruptly you get this and you're kicked:
Pictured - my test of GTA V Online on Kubuntu 24.04
Hopefully this is just an oversight, since BattlEye does have Linux platform support. I've reached out to Rockstar in a few places to ask about it, to see if they do plan to enable Proton support for BattlEye.
Even if it wasn't intentionally blocked, let's say they overlooked enabling it, this once again just goes to show that the Steam Deck and Linux gaming have ways to go before bigger developers and publishers actually do some proper testing.
Considering it's one of the most played games on Steam overall, it will be quite a loss if it's intentionally not being enabled. It's also one of the most played games on Steam Deck specifically too, so it would make this banner on the Steam page look a bit silly if it stays broken:
The single-player story mode continues to work though.
I know it's no use, but I left a comment on Rockstar's suggestion site, saying that it's not fair the punishment we Linux users get for using Linux. I have uninstalled GTA V from my devices, and if this is what we can expect from GTA VI, they can shove it where the sun doesn't shine (a little inside joke, not many will get it). Finally, I'd like to say thank you, as this site is incredibly helpful.
I don't see how using other operating systems jeopardizes their online service, and it makes me wonder if there is some interest in Windows being the main platform, since it is easier and more susceptible to be used to collect user data or other more dubious purposes like mining, for example.
I think you've answered your own question here. The 'Linux-ban' has nothing to do with cheating and everything to do with locking the subscriber to that platform. The Windows OS is already tailored to report back to MS HQ so it's an ideal business case for games publishers to work with. You can be sure that the telemetry information isn't transmitted in order to keep your system running smoothly.
I'll remove my tin-foil hat, now.
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