Wube Software have announced some pretty incredible numbers after the release of the Factorio: Space Age DLC.
Released on October 21st, the Space Age expansion for Factorio is a truly huge addition to the game, and it's clear a lot of players are happy with it. In their latest Friday Facts blog post, Wube Software mentioned how they've managed to sell over 400,000 copies.
Pretty amazing numbers for a game that's a good few years old now. Not just that, but the player numbers have absolutely rocketed upwards with it hitting a peak of 118,674 about 15 hours ago. For comparison the previous peak was "only" 34,700 all the way back in 2020.

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Have you been playing? What do you think to the 2.0 update and expansion? Factorio has Native Linux support and is Steam Deck Verified.
I do hope this will revitalize the modding scene as well, since it comes with a complete and clean break from all the old <=1.X mods.
I wouldn't recommend the DLC for a new player though. Better get used to the base game first. There is some stuff in there that is fairly complicated to set up (Gleba takes the cake so far, took me about 30 hours to figure out how to get that running).
In case you're new to the game and did buy the DLC. If you want to play the base game, you have to disable it in the "Mods" menu. It's kind of funny that they didn't even make a separate option for it. And while you're at it, better leave the "Quality" feature mod for another time as well.
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