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For any of you who work with image editing on Linux for any reason, you've probably used the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) at some point, well it's getting really close to the long-awaited 3.0 release now. It's a tool I use every day for GamingOnLinux.

Announced in a development update blog post the team noted they're about 96% of the way there towards the first Release Candidate, after development slowed over the summer due to a few developers falling ill after the Libre Graphics Meeting conference.

Pictured - GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP)

Quite a lot to look forward to from this upcoming release including expanded non-destructive editing, upgrades to the API for plug-ins, work towards enabling letting you easily export an image into several different sizes leaving the original untouched, colour space work, darktable integration improvements for RAW images, upgrading the documentation, lots of bug fixes and so on.

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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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robvv about 21 hours ago
Nah, it'll be GIMP 2 Episode 1... ;-)
no_information_here about 13 hours ago
Quoting: robvvNah, it'll be GIMP 2 Episode 1... ;-)

dpanter about 10 hours ago
Currently at 2.10.38 / 2.99.18 so that train passed by long ago.
redneckdrow about 6 hours ago
Seeing as I've always found the name of the project to be fightin' words (using "gimp" or "cripple" to describe me, or another physically disabled person, when I'm in earshot is a great way to get me to spew fire-and-brimstone), I've always been of two minds whenever I've used it.

It really helped me out with school projects years ago (circa 2.4), I think it's a great project, and I am happy to see it still plugging along.

But naming it after a one-note gag character in Pulp Fiction, who's also part of a reference to the worst scene in Deliverance (I live in Kentucky, take one guess as to why I hate that movie...), is so way past stupid, it's pathetic.

Before anyone mentions the discontinued Glimpse, I don't agree with forking a project just to change the name. That only fuels the fire that is fragmentation. After a while, I just switched to Krita.
klepon about 3 hours ago
Lately I've seen more and more instance of GIMP being used in various education, especially on design educational Facebook group in East Asia and Southeast Asia.

It's far better than randomly pirating Photoshop and getting malware (more than 50% got actual malware, based on my experience fixing people's PC).

I hope this new release will make it grow faster, both in number of user and new feature release.
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