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A few days ago I wrote about the Junk Store coming to Steam, a special plugin for Steam Deck to bring GOG and Epic Games compatibility unnoficially - but it seems to be a short lived idea.

It is already available as a free and open source plugin for the Decky Loader plugin system, but this was going to be completely standalone, and a paid product for the convenience of just having it right on Steam.

Even though Valve had clearly reviewed the Steam page, and so would have seen what it actually was to even allow the page to go live, it seems Valve may have backtracked on that. It's not clear though if this was done by Valve, or by the developer, the Steam page is just gone. Looking on SteamDB the note mentions "This app has been retired and is no longer available on the Steam store."

Pictured - Junk Store

Perhaps not really surprising. While Valve do allow a lot of weird stuff on their store, a launcher that has a primary purpose of launching other games from other stores might have been a bridge too far.

I've reached out to both Valve and the Junk Store developers to find out exactly what happened, and will update if I get any reply from either party.

Update - 16/10/2024 - 07:20 UTC: the Junk Store developers posted on Reddit that it was Valve who took it down. It was taken down not due to the Epic or GOG features, but specifically because it modifies Steam itself.

Here's what Valve support said to them:

Article taken from
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I am the owner of GamingOnLinux. After discovering Linux back in the days of Mandrake in 2003, I constantly came back to check on the progress of Linux until Ubuntu appeared on the scene and it helped me to really love it. You can reach me easily by emailing GamingOnLinux directly.
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ProfessorKaos64 about 19 hours ago
Heroic works well for me. I try Junk Store every so often but they can't seem to fix the login process when you don't use a user/password. I use sign in with Google and the popup is lost. I'll have to try this using the prefix of it has one. Shrug
Cato-the-younger about 14 hours ago
Quoting: Corben
Quoting: TheRiddickNot really sure what the issue is since you can add non-steam games to Steam library and also run them with proton.
Convenience. Not having to do it manually through Heroic or so. Sure, it's only one or two extra steps, yet the less you need to do on your own, the easier.

Or just use PortProton, it does everything in one click including adding to steam.

Last edited by Cato-the-younger on 15 October 2024 at 9:58 pm UTC
based about 7 hours ago
Quoting: neolith
Quoting: based[...] nor the access to their stores being SOLD on Steam
But that is not what's happening. It is not that access to their stores is being sold on Steam, it is that easier access to their stores is being sold on Steam. And I don't think that should be a problem at all, because you can just as well access their stores any other way you see fit.

That's not how the world works, easier access being sold is still access being sold.
Liam Dawe about 5 hours ago
Updated, see the bottom.
Purple Library Guy about 5 hours ago
Mm, put that way I can see Valve's point. What if you had a stack of different ones interacting weirdly, making Steam look bad and massively complicating support?
Corben about 3 hours ago
Looks like there is a demand, a certain audience (probably mostly us Linux players wanting that one-fits-all solution) that's interested in an easy way to play all games (including from other stores). An idea would now be, that Valves implements modding support for the client. What are the modifications needed for Junk Store? Is it possible to provide these to them in an official way? We know there are officially "altered" steam clients (at least using something that's not obvious to the normal customer), like the one that nVidia's GeForce Now uses.

Last edited by Corben on 16 October 2024 at 9:20 am UTC
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