SNØ: Ultimate Freeriding is a recent discovery that looks wonderful. A chill arcade freeriding game where it's just you against the raw wilderness and they plan to have it working to perfection on Steam Deck.
They're using the Steam Deck as their performance target and optimizing directly against it. As detailed in a recent Steam announcement, that follows on from an earlier post about hitting their smooth 60FPS goal, the Steam Deck as a target means it will run smoothly on a lot of "normal" PCs.
How? As they briefly explained:
The how is a bit more complicated, but the short of it was that we generate and spawn in new terrain continuously as you ski down the mountain. Our terrain generation algorithm isn't super heavy, but heavy enough that when we ran it on the main thread of the CPU you could easily drop down to 40-50 frames, and in very dense areas even lower perhaps. The solution? Multithreading and parallel processing for calculating the terrain, as well as spacing out spawning of objects. This got rid of 99% of stutter, and the last pieces was some graphics optimization.
As a result of their work, as they showed in two small GIFs, is that the performance on Steam Deck went from 30FPS and below (a bit all over the place) to a clear smooth 60FPS. Very nice.

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There's a demo available on Steam right now. It doesn't have a full release date yet.
Working on Steam Deck with good performance through Proton will also mean it runs great on Desktop Linux too! Great news.
I've probably mentioned it too many times, but I like to play Grand Mountain Adventure. It has fixed scenarios, the camera isn't that close and there are objectives and (semi) hidden things to discover on the mountains. Some of the objectives are based on trick score, some on speed or navigation of complicated terrain. And you can always rewind time when something does not work as you want – a trial gets reset to the start while you can jump back in time in a finer granularity in free play.
SNØ (at least the demo) seems to be completely focused on tricks – I'm not sure if there is enough variation.
So this is a game about using public goods without paying taxes?That actually sounds like it could be a fun idea for a game. "Steal this Game" - Channel your inner Abbie Hoffman!
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