Bye Sweet Carole is an upcoming chilling narrative-horror game inspired by classic animation movies like Disney along with the works of Chris Darril. Late last month a new trailer arrived and it looks good.
A game I pointed out back in May after somehow missing it before. I'm cautiously excited about this one, because the style really does look incredible, I just hope the gameplay is there too.
The new trailer shows off new gameplay and the awful owl, Velenia. Set in the early 1900s, in an age where the phenomenon of the feminist political movement begins to shake the British nation, Bye Sweet Carole takes players on a mysterious investigation of the eerie Bunny Hall orphanage where Lana Benton is the only one to suspect that her best friend Carole didn’t just run away.
Check it out below:
Direct Link
It's pretty high up on my own wishlist. You'll need Valve's Proton to play it on Linux / Steam Deck.
I'm really eager to try it, bit old for these kind of games but it really shines. There's been an incredible range of improvement since the last trailer. The animations look really polished, the game much better, the music, the art style.
Last edited by Minux on 6 Nov 2024 at 7:18 pm UTC
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