SCS Software have announced that Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Greece is set for release on December 4th. Plus, they're continuing to update the visuals for both Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator.
In a blog post the developers gave a little background info on their rework of various art assets used in both games noting that: "Since the release of Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator, the processing power of personal computers has made some serious advancements. In turn, we've continually brought updates to both our titles to introduce new technology and techniques, which has allowed us to introduce higher levels of visual fidelity to our content."
Thanks to the work from two team members they're going through "enhancing the quality and optimization of game models that have started to look outdated and inconsistent with newer additions". Nice to see they continue updating the game for everyone, on top of all the various newer location DLC.
On that note, Euro Truck Simulator 2 - Greece arrives December 4th, check out the trailer:

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The Greece DLC as you can imagine adds a lot of new areas to explore, but SCS said it's more than just that. It introduces hotel complexes and vibrant cotton farms as new depots as well. Might have to dust off my wheel soon…
12 years after release, Euro Truck Simulator 2 has some impressive numbers seeing a peak player count of 36,919 in the last 24 hours. Not many games are able to do that.
It has Native Linux support and is Steam Deck Verified.
I wished SCS just put more effort on the gameplay side, introducing more things to do than just simply going from A to B. Getting out of your truck anywhere in the map would be nice, to make a walkaround before a trip, punctured tires, small irregularities that would get you a ticket, together with functional truck wash shops, of which already there is plenty on the game, just waiting to be activated. There is a lot of small things in the real truck world that could be implemented in the game.
On the game engine side, I wished the accelerated its development more, since even with all the updates, it still look a bit dated. I understand they don't have the kind of money Rockstar have to make top notch graphics in such large game, but their progress from DirectX 9 level to DirectX 11 is painfully slow. I and a lot of people just wished they just go to Vulkan already and start a bigger overall progress.
The Linux port is really nice to have, but the performance is really bad compared with the Windows port. I am under the impression they are still stuck in the "NvidiaGL" mode, with those cards performing considerably better than AMD ones, even with all the Linux driver progress AMD made over the years. At least it was like this the last time I tried it on a Nvidia card a couple years ago. It always suffered from stuttering, something that don't happen when you play it on proton.
But overall I still love this thing, and still put money on DLCs to help pay for the game updates.
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