Work continues as always on the next version of the popular KDE Plasma desktop environment. My favourite desktop, and the one used for the Steam Deck Desktop Mode.
Developer Nate Graham also recently announced that the This Week in Plasma blog posts have moved to a new home. They're no longer going to be on their personal blog, instead actually on the official KDE blog system as noted in the latest post.
One new feature coming for Plasma 6.3 is that you will get nice clear notifications in the case of your system experiencing out of memory (OOM) where the Linux kernel terminated an app. Graham noted there's "now a little service to detect this and show you a system notification explaining what happened, plus suggestions for what you can do about it in the future". This sounds great to have.
Some other improvements noted to be coming include improvements to the Emoji Selector app to have "sub-string matching from the middle of words too, so you can find emojis more easily" due for Plasma 6.2.3. Additionally the grouping indicator for apps on the task manager bar will no longer always be green, and will instead follow your selected accent colour, this is due in Plasma 6.3.
Plus as usual plenty of bug fixes are coming like XWayland-using apps acting weird when resizing them.

Like most people, I intentionally use the OOM killer to limit how much ram specific applications can use using systemd scopes. (Thus, avoiding an actual OOM in the first place)
I have a couple of applications that have memory leaks, so if left unchecked they'll just keep using RAM until the system is out. (So for example, LibreWolf has a RAM usage limit of 6GB, Swap limit of 2GB - gets killed if it exceeds this.)

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