The PlayStation 3 emulator RPCS3 team have been busy as they've announced the release of RPCS3 for arm64 that includes like likes of the Raspberry Pi 5 and Apple Silicon (M1, M2 etc). Since Arm devices are becoming steadily more powerful and more readily available on the desktop, it's fun to see more like this get official builds.
RPCS3's crew tested their new Arm support across the Raspberry Pi 5, and Apple Silicon on both macOS and Asahi Linux (Linux for Apple Silicon Macs). On Apple Silicon, it seems to work quite well across both platforms, but due to the lower power of the RPi5 not many games work well and the resolution needs to be pulled down quite a lot. Still, this is exciting for future Arm hardware and for overall game preservation!
Windows has given them the most issues though due to various issues like no available devices to test on, but they managed it through a virtual machine to at least get somewhere. The main issue they said for commercial titles would that "Windows-on-ARM having a hard requirement for ASLR which doesn’t play too nicely with some aspects of RPCS3’s JIT engine". So downloads are only up for Linux and macOS right now.
You can see their RPi5 video below:

Direct Link
And the video for Apple Silicon:

Direct Link
Read more in their blog post.

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