NVIDIA have released NVIDIA RTX Remix, their modding platform that allows developers to enhance games with full ray tracing. Additionally, Half-Life 2 RTX is getting a demo on March 18th.
After a year or so in Beta, the release of NVIDIA RTX Remix brings with it DLSS 4 with Multi Frame Generation support. NVIDIA said that "Since that initial RTX Remix release, over 30,000 modders have experimented with hundreds of classic titles, and over 1 million gamers have played RTX Remix mods". It's open source and uses DXVK (part of Valve's Proton), under the MIT license, but only available for Windows via the NVIDIA app.

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Additionally, Half-Life 2 RTX that takes Valve's classic game and shoves ray tracing into it will get a demo on March 18th. They've shown off some more footage of it, and I'm thoroughly torn on it. I love the idea of enhancing games, and the newer textures look like a big improvement while keeping the style but overall this looks far too bright and shiny and just seems like it's lost part of what made it special. Still, as another sort-of tech demo of what the possibilities are with such upgrades, it's still quite interesting.

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And the video clearly demonstrates why artistic lighting is better than physical lighting. The carefully created mood of certain areas is definitely not preserved.
Is it possible that they will suppport Vulkan and AMD gpus?
That is what RTX remix does. It uses DXVK to translate DX9 into Vulkan and then injects it's own stuff in there. Anything that supports Vulkan raytracing should work.
They've shown off some more footage of it, and I'm thoroughly torn on it. I love the idea of enhancing games, and the newer textures look like a big improvement while keeping the style but overall this looks far too bright and shiny and just seems like it's lost part of what made it special. Still, as another sort-of tech demo of what the possibilities are with such upgrades, it's still quite interesting.
Yeah, it's a sign of the conflict with their art direction. They've got to show that it's doing something rather than stopping at looks good, so it often dips into looks worse.
I mean I played HL2, Lost Coast, Ep One and Ep Two and I enjoyed them. But not because they looked ... good or stylish or it had a special art direction.
Imho the RTX version looks way better. Even though I will never be bale to play it on my hardware. I find the original is often times way too dark and uncanny.
1. Conflict of Vision
2. The Subject or Art has been overworked muddying the vision from better to worse.
@Laim -- Perfect title "looking way too bright"
Colors are at least 15% over-saturated, maybe up to 30%
Video 2 Time Index 0:47 - 0:50 -- Notice the "Light Saber" treatment -- where the Health Recharge Stations for Nostalgia "Memberberries" have been retroactively reworked to be "Overly Glowie" departing from their original design -- similar to how Star Wars Light Sabers were a PITA to SFX in Ep4, 5 and 6 and then in 1-3 and 7-9 were overused when previously other weapons in the SW universe were a bigger deal like the bounty hunter gun, jetpack and other tech due to real world fanfare effecting the fantasy world.
In any case the new video looks like a 15% reduction in grit which is not a good thing. Ravenholm needs to be more filthy and dirty, not shiny.
@:27 the Red Laser glows so ___king bright it feels like an insult to my intelligence, and to be quite frank like a shift to a overly tistic future where everything needs to look like a CASINO with bright flashing lights to feed the dopamine hits of a cellphone generation with the 2-second attention span of a goldfish.
Honestly it comes off as denigrating and undignifying.
In any case I'll check it out and I do support these kinds of efforts to old beloved projects, but I am not particularly hype 9k since I am on a XTX and the last RTX Remix I played had terrible performance -- I agree with previous sentiments that any lag or artifacts could really kill the experience and immersion.
I am half grump because I remember how during the PlayStation 2 there was this obsession with Revolutionary "Graphics" and the Gameplay, Story and Mechanics at the time were often the cost -- I would never make that trade or sidegrade.
Lets see what happens in 4 days -- I hope they dial down the obnoxious over-saturation some.
Sound Design undestands the principle of Negative Space, and I think that the lighting and reflections are in service to an Ego to sell a product, and not so much to the original work and are over-used at levels which cause the inverse desired effect when attempting to dignify and service the universe
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