Dave Airlie has been working on an open source AMD Vulkan driver and he's ready to show it off a little bit.
The brand new AMD RX 480 seems to have an issue of drawing too much power through the pci-e port, so you may want to hold off on buying one of the first lot for now.
AMD have released a nice video talking about Vulkan (and DirectX 12), it's also nice to hear Linux & SteamOS mentioned.
The next generation of AMD GPU's have launched, and it begins with the AMD RX 480. Benchmarks are now out there along with plenty of info.
AMD are doing something pretty amazing, they will be doing a reddit AMA with the chance of anyone who comments to win one of fourteen of their brand new RX 480 graphics cards.
Probably one of the more interesting releases of SteamOS recently. SteamOS 2.80 is now in beta which brings with it some fun changes for AMD GPU users.
What you can do what Linux always impresses me, but this has to be what has impressed me the most recently.
AMD have released another Beta of their new AMD GPU-PRO. It brings in support for the new Vulkan API in Dota 2 which is expected to release this coming week.
Even though I am an Nvidia user, I am really impressed by that has been leaked out about AMD's upcoming Polaris.
It was a nice surprise to see Tomb Raider officially supporting AMD hardware. Of course, the level of that support now has to be tested, so let's run some benchmarks!
AMD fans, today is your day to shine. AMD have released what they are calling " AMD Radeon™ Software AMD GPU-PRO Beta Driver, quite the mouthful.
Two long and low quality videos from GDC are now up with Vulkan as the subject, all very interesting with Oxide Games (Ashes of the Singularity) and Valve speaking. I've done some highlights for you.
Thanks to wccftech (and our IRC for the link) I have learnt today that AMD's new processor design named Zen is shaping up very nicely.
Canonical have decided to deprecate the fglrx driver in Ubuntu 16.04. This is hardly surprising news as fglrx, which has always been renowned for being a pain, has steadily becoming more and more of a problem on modern Linux distributions. Even Debian with its tentatively updated packages has surpassed the official system requirements for fglrx.
While AMD may not have a Linux driver ready for Vulkan, they are still getting me excited about it with their blog posts.
AMD are doing some good work around Vulkan, and another blog post highlighting features has arrived. This time they are covering Vulkan Renderpasses.
Considering AMD are in the middle of producing a brand new driver for Linux, it's not surprising they don't have Vulkan ready for Linux right from day one. Still, a shame for anyone on AMD hoping to test things out.
Experiencing performance issues or stuttering in Feral's excellent port of XCOM 2? These engine tweaks might be just what you're looking for.
Sorry for the lateness, but GPUOpen from AMD is now officially open to the public. I really like the way AMD is going doing things like this.
You have seen Liam's port report of XCOM 2 on Nvidia hardware and it's time for me to take a look at the AMD performance. So, let's take the R7 370 on a spin with both the open and the proprietary drivers!