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Category: Action

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Serious Sam HD & Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter Will Come To Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Hot off the Steam forum news stands is that Serious Sam HD & Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter will come over to Linux.

Shark Attack Deathmatch Underwater Combat Game Will Support Linux In Future

By Liam Dawe,
Shark Attack Deathmatch Captures the thrill of underwater multi-player combat like no other game. The developer has confirmed Linux will come.

BattleBlock Theater Will Have a Linux Version

By Liam Dawe,
Shipwrecked. Captured. Betrayed. Forced to perform for an audience of cats? Yes, all that and more when you unlock BattleBlock Theater! This game just sounds funny!

GoldenEye: Source Is Now Open Source, Get Porting To Linux!

By Liam Dawe,
GoldenEye: Source a Half-Life 2 modification is now open source and on github, so Linux developers it's time to get it on Linux.

Depths of Peril Single Player Action RPG With Strong Strategy Elements

By Liam Dawe,
Depths of Peril is a single player action RPG with strong strategy elements. You play as a faction leader protecting the barbarian city, Jorvik, by destroying threatening monsters and completing quests.

Drox Operative, A Starship Action RPG Released For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Drox Operative is a starship action RPG with warring alien races, fierce space battles, a dynamic, evolving galaxy, and co-op multiplayer.

Din's Curse Action RPG Now Available On Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Din's Curse is a single player and co-op multiplayer action RPG with 141 class combinations, infinite number of dynamically generated towns, real consequences, and a dynamic, evolving world.

FTL Advanced Edition Is Now Available, Plus Our Video

By Liam Dawe,
Hooray time to fail at keeping people alive again! FTL Advanced Edition has been officially released on Steam and DRM free.

Enemy Starfighter Has A Lot Of PewPewPew In The Latest Trailer

By Liam Dawe,
Enemy Starfighter is the insanely good-looking space-combat sim that really reminds me of Freespace 2, and the new trailer is brilliant.

CoinRPG Beta V0.2 Release!

By Kuroato Media,
Kuroato Media releases CoinRPG Beta v0.2, Available for PC, Mac, Linux, and Browser Platforms. CoinRPG Beta v0.2 offers tons of new and exciting features that provide a highly optimized and improved multiplayer experience. Players can now register a unique username, compete for ranks on the leaderboard, engage with other players in real-time, and prepare for the Bitcoin Contests to come!

Icculus Is Porting Goat Simulator To Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Good news goat fans, Goat Simulator is officially coming to Linux and promises some very odd action. One of the funniest games i've seen for a long time.

Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball Released On Steam For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
You aren't dreaming Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball really is a game. We actually mentioned it a while ago, but they have now pushed into Steam's early access section.

DUELYST Tactical Combat Game Hits Linux Stretch Goal, We Find Out When Linux Will Come

By Liam Dawe,
DUELYST is the awesome looking tactical combat games where the developers originally wheren't going to support Linux, until we showed our numbers. Now the Linux goal has been met, I asked when Linux is likely to come.

Fight The Dragon, A User Generated Hack'n Slash RPG Released On Steam For Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Fight The Dragon is quite the interesting find. It has been released into Steam's early access section that promises plenty of user created fun, but can you deliver the fun?

Hellraid Action RPG Could See a Linux Version After Launch

By Liam Dawe,
Hellraid is a fantastic looking action RPG that is due to launch this year, I got in touch with the developers to see what the chances are of Linux support.

Tallowmere, A 2D Procedural Death Labyrinth Platformer Needing Some Love

By Liam Dawe,
Tallowmere is a 2D indie action roguelike procedural death labyrinth platformer for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, featuring randomly-generated levels, enemies, weapons, and gore.

A Big List Of Linux FPS Games, Here's Over 30 To Check Out

By Liam Dawe,
Not enough FPS games you say, we need more you say, fear not for we have a big list for you to sink your mouse into!

The Hong Kong Massacre Promises Lots Of Blood-Shed And Will Be On Linux

By Liam Dawe,
The Hong Kong Massacre is a decent looking top down blood-fuelled shooter that will come to Linux. The game is inspired by classic Hong Kong action movies.

The Last Federation Sci-Fi Strategy New Game-Play Footage, Looking Fantastic

By Liam Dawe,
The Last Federation is a space sci-fi strategy game I am seriously looking forward to, it mixes some good unit graphics with beautiful space backdrops.

Starbound Stable Updates, New Weather & Encounters Available

By Liam Dawe,
Starbound the really fantastic 2D universe sandbox game has pushed out a small content update into its stable branch on Steam, including some wild weather!
Showing 3340 to 3360 of 3663 entries found.