Category: Adventure

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TRI A First-Person Puzzle Exploration Game

By Liam Dawe,
TRI is a first-person puzzle exploration adventure game where you place corner points onto walls to build walkable triangular platforms. Find a way through the towers and dungeons in sophisticated levels.

Hot Tin Roof Adventure Platformer Funded & Needing Greenlight Votes

By Liam Dawe,
So Hot Tin Roof has been funded on Kickstarter and is in need of a big push on greenlight to get onto Steam.

The Raven: Legacy of A Master Thief Trilogy Is Now Complete

By Liam Dawe,
'The Raven - Legacy of a Master Thief' is a thrilling crime adventure in three chapters from the creators of 'The Book of Unwritten Tales'.

Don't Starve Has Another Content Update

By Liam Dawe,
Klei Entertainment sure are awesome with their support of Don't Starve giving it yet another content update.

Neverending Nightmares Offers A Personal Approach To Horror

By s_d,
Neverending Nightmares is a psychological horror game featuring an interactive narrative structure in which the player character navigates a chilling and constantly shifting reality as they experience false awakenings into new and different nightmares.

Octopus City Blues A Surreal Adventure

By Liam Dawe,
The authentic Octopus City simulation for Windows, OS X and Linux. A surreal adventure game about everything and nothing.

NOWHERE Launches Crowdfunding With Alpha Access

By Liam Dawe,
NOWHERE is a game that's hard to describe and we covered it back in July, they have now launched a crowdfunding campaign using humble store and it looks like the game has had a little change in direction.

Terncraft Games To Bring Their Latest To Linux - Help Fund Neo-Victorian Skirmish Squad!

By David J. Sushil,
When their University is overrun with monsters, Dr. Bellwether and his team must collect, train, and fuse Battle Dice to combat the invading hordes. Coming soon to Linux!

Wizardry 6&7 RPG Games On Steam Using Dosbox

By Liam Dawe,
So hot no the heels of stating they aren't supporting Linux Night Dive Studios has put Wizardy 6&7 onto Steam using Dosbox.

OpenMW Open Source Morrowind Engine V0.26.0 Released

By OpenMW team,
The OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.26.0! This is the most violent release of OpenMW to date, with the implementation of Melee combat, Lyncanthropy, and Drowning. See below for the full changelog.

Morphopolis A Visually Stunning Point And Click Adventure

By Liam Dawe,
Morphopolis takes the player on a lucid and fantastical journey of transformation and discovery through a beautiful and unique natural environment.

Wander A Collaborative, Non-Combat And Non-Competitive Exploration Game

By Liam Dawe,
Wander is a collaborative, non-combat and non-competitive game focused on exploration and joy. In Wander, life begins as a tree. Storms that affect the known planets transform you, and continue to influence your path.

Decadence A Post-Apocalyptic Adventure Game On Desura

By Liam Dawe,
Immerse yourself in a post-apocalyptic world and save humanity from its extinction. Watch how the gameplay and the game engine evolve from episode to episode.

Full Bore Part One To Be Available 10th September

By Liam Dawe,
Full Bore a block puzzler with an exploratory twist is to release the first part of the game tomorrow the 10th of September for all pre-orders past, present and future, awesome news.

'Questverse' progress report from July to August 2013.

By Lunarts,
'Questverse' will be a comedy, anime sci-fi RPG easy to learn, and inspired by the freedom and immersion of the original pen-and-paper RPG games. This is the latest progress report containing information about the contest, blogger/site hybrids, and the current stage of the game editor. Check out the project latest changes!

MirrorMoon EP A Game About Mystery And Exploration In Outer Space

By Liam Dawe,
MirrorMoon EP is a game about mystery and exploration set in outer space. These space travels begin on a red planet and its unique moon and extend across galaxies. The single player part of MirrorMoon EP blends adventure and exploration with navigation-based puzzle solving.

Lenna's Inception A Top-Down Puzzle-Action-Adventure Game

By Liam Dawe,
Lenna's Inception is a top-down puzzle-action-adventure game, similar to some of the Gameboy Zelda titles, but with procedurally-generated maps and puzzles, and a post-game sandbox. The alpha is now out for testing.

Time To Go Postal, Free Postal 2 DLC On Its Way

By Liam Dawe,
Postal 2 the first person game from RunningWithScissors looks like it's getting a totally free DLC! Sweet!

Hot Tin Roof, a modern adventure platformer with a classic touch

By muntdefems,
It's raining outside in this late summer afternoon and I'm feeling a bit under the weather too, so it's the perfect occasion to engage myself with a film noir adventure game like Hot Tin Roof: The Cat That Wore A Fedora.

Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure Will Be Release On Linux

By FrasierCrane,
The upcoming sixth game in the Tex Murphy series, "Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure", developed by Big Finish Games, will be released for Linux.
Showing 2040 to 2060 of 2084 entries found.