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Dreamed Away from Nicolas Petton and Pineapple Works is an upcoming emotional action-adventure RPG with psychological horror elements. There's now a demo available to try.
Rain Games, developer of the Teslagrad series, World to the West and others are still working away on Girl Genius: Adventures In Castle Heterodyne and it finally has a new trailer.
Do you love the classic The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time? Clearly a lot of people do, and the PC port Ship of Harkinian just recently had a great sounding upgrade.
Anodyne from Analgesic Productions recently celebrated a 10th anniversary, and the community delivered in style with a full fan remake for modern platforms thanks to the previous source code release.
3 Minutes to Midnight is an upcoming comedy adventure game from Scarecrow Studio. It was funded on Kickstarter and their latest development update sounds great.
Sail Forth looks like a wonderful ocean adventure on the more chilled side of things (in a way), and if it's anything like the earlier versions I tried a while back, it would be an easy recommendation.