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Forgotten Fields is a story of a writer suffering a mental block what Frostwood Interactive say is a cozy game about nostalgia, creativity, appreciating the present, and the passage of time - a meditation on impermanence and the shortness of life.
Pine sure is pretty and as an open-world adventure, it did the job quite nicely at giving you plenty to explore with some tough combat and now it should be smoother.
Bring on the PS1-style resurgence! Not only do we have Alisa upcoming but Boreal Tenebrae (previously Boreal Tales) also looks pretty amazing and it's out now.
A world in which computers can be fed and cured, where DNA-passwords open gene-locks, insect hormones revitalize memory, biofactories that give birth to household utensils and a lot more await in Exit: A Biodelic Adventure.
With quite wonderful dream-like visuals, Into A Dream is an in-development narrative adventure inside the dreams of someone suffering with a deep depression.
Red Martyr Entertainment today released Saint Kotar: The Yellow Mask, a prologue of their upcoming dark narrative point and click adventure. They're crowdfunding for the full game so we had a chat about it.
Attentat 1942 from Charles Games is a World War 2 adventure with an aim to be historically-accurate and give it a different face to what you might expect.
During the PlayStation 5 reveal recently, Neostream Interactive had their 2015 crowdfunded title Little Devil Inside shown off as a timed exclusive and they've now clarified their plans for platforms.
There seems to be a lot of unique genre blending going on lately. Whateverland: Prologue, the intro / demo to a much bigger game blends a point and click adventure with a 'turn-based strategy sports simulator'.
Not a selection of genres I would have expected to be put together but it's happened. Hyperspace Harvest is the second game from Sleeper Games and it's confirmed for Linux.