Category: Adventure

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The Linux beta build of 'WolfQuest' is coming along, could be live for everyone soon

By Liam Dawe,
Soon you might be able to live the life of a Wolf, as the developer of WolfQuest has made significant progress on the Linux beta.

Some thoughts on stick figure comedy RPG West of Loathing

By flesk,
From the creators of the browser-based comedy MMORPG Kingdom of Loathing, commonly known as KoL, comes West of Loathing: A western-themed comedy RPG, packed with quests and the same zany humor you know and love from KoL.

Slime Rancher already has a pretty sweet post-launch update with maps

By Liam Dawe,
Slime Rancher, easily one of the sweetest releases lately has a post-launch update, which features a long awaited mapping system.

The Count Lucanor, a pixel art adventure inspired by classics like Zelda and Silent Hill has Linux support

By Liam Dawe,
The Count Lucanor is a slick looking pixel art adventure game that claims inspiration from classics like Zelda and Silent Hill. It also now has Linux support.

Fighting for survival in ‘Sundered’, some thoughts

By Liam Dawe,
Here we take a look at ‘Sundered’, the hand­-drawn mixture of exploration, savage combat and death, lots of death.

After playing through Full Throttle Remastered, here are some thoughts

The remastered version of the classic adventure game, Full Throttle, was released on Linux last week. I’ve had some time to play through the fuel-injected experience and have a few thoughts on the game.

West of Loathing, a comedy stick-figure wild west adventure RPG is coming to Linux soon

By Liam Dawe,
I learned about West of Loathing recently from Twitter and it seems like it could be a pretty amusing game, it release with Linux support on the 10th of August.

Better late than never, GOG now has the Linux version of Dust: An Elysian Tail

By Liam Dawe,
Dust: An Elysian Tail released for Linux a few years ago and now GOG finally have the Linux version available too.

Tacoma, the sci-fi narrative adventure has released with day-1 Linux support, some thoughts

By Liam Dawe,
Tacoma, the sci-fi narrative adventure from the developer of Gone Home has officially launched. It includes day-1 Linux support so I took a look.

The Darkside Detective, a supernatural point & click adventure is now on Linux

By Liam Dawe,
The Darkside Detective, a supernatural point & click adventure recently released with day-1 Linux support and it looks good.

Slime Rancher has officially left Early Access, go catch some slimes!

By Liam Dawe,
Slime Rancher, probably one of my top 10 indie games has just left Early Access joining the world of fully released games.

The Silver Case, a remaster of the original 1999 title is now available on Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Today we gain another remaster of a classic game. This time it's 'The Silver Case' which originally released in 1999, many years later it was remastered and released in 2016 and now we have it too.

The absolutely beautiful parkour game 'Downward' has updated the Linux version to the full release

By Liam Dawe,
Downward is an extremely impressive and downright beautiful parkour game. Recently it left Early Access, but the Linux version was a bit behind, now it's not!

The Long Dark officially leaves Early Access tomorrow, check out their launch trailer

By Liam Dawe,
The Long Dark is a beautiful game and it's due for a full release tomorrow, come check out their launch trailer. The release will also finally feature the first two episodes of the story, in addition to the already highly polished sandbox mode.

Full Throttle Remastered Rides onto Linux

By Cheeseness,
Rev up your engines, the remastered edition of classic adventure game Full Throttle is now available on Linux!

Hover : Revolt Of Gamers, a Parkour game styled a little like Jet Set Radio is on Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Hover : Revolt Of Gamers is one we missed that released in full recently, they also added a Linux version with the full release.

Unravel the mystery of your mother's disappearance in 'Gray Skies, Dark Waters' on Linux

By Liam Dawe,
You are Lina, a young girl who's family was torn apart by your mother's disappearance and it's time to finally find out what happened.

Dreamfall Chapters 'The Final Cut' released as a major free update

By Liam Dawe,
Dreamfall Chapters has been updated with 'The Final Cut', which is a huge free update for all existing owners.

Abandon Ship, an exploration and combat game with an oil painting like art style will come to Linux

By Liam Dawe,
It turns out the rather great looking exploration and combat game 'Abandon Ship' will come to Linux. The art style of the game is actually inspired by classic navy oil paintings.

Cyberpunk horror game 'Observer' from Bloober Team & Aspyr Media will likely see a delayed Linux release

By Liam Dawe,
Slightly sad news today, as the amazing looking Observer from Bloober Team & Aspyr Media has a release date announcement, but it doesn't include Linux.
Showing 1260 to 1280 of 2075 entries found.