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Rocket Shipment is a tricky, physics based, space delivery game. The game is a love letter to the old style lander games like Thrust, Solar Jetman and Crazy Gravity.
Love twin-stick shooters? Need a fresh modern take on retro classics with plenty of upgrades? Glitchangels is pretty much all you need and it's fantastic.
Love block pushing puzzlers? Have fond memories of Tetris and want something a bit more complex? The arcade push-em-up Pushamo is out now and you can support charity with it.
Cave-flying is a genre that was big a very long time ago, now though not so much but Gravity Ace from John Watson entered Early Access recently and it's absolutely brilliant.
We need to talk about Breakpoint because it's now confirmed to be releasing with Linux support on September 24 and I think you need to put this on your wishlists.
After finishing with The Caribbean Sail their dark 8-bit adventure about sailing the world in the 1700's, Victorian Clambake has announced their next game with Shell Shuffle.
Reminding me of some classic arcade racers including Mario Kart, SuperTuxKart and others, Slide is along a similar theme with it being easy to jump right in.
Cyberpulse looks like an absolutely brilliant twist on the bright and fierce arcade action genres. Instead of a twin-stick shooter, it's a twin-stick…thrower? Yes.
Some of our older readers might have fond memories of Missile Command, an arcade game from Atari released back in 1980. It's recently been remade with Missile Command: Recharged and it's out now.
You've built cities, managed theme parks and run across kitchens to prepare dishes but have you managed a hot spring before? I sure haven't and Onsen Master looks and sounds amusing.
Out with same-day Linux support, Tonight We Riot is a game all about rising up with the masses to take down those greedy suits sucking up all the money and joy.