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Remember when Wordle appeared and the world seemingly went mad for it? How about a dungeon-crawling puzzle game inspired by it? Daily Dungeon is for you.
Feeling competitive? Hypersomnia from Patryk Czachurski is a top-down 2D competitive online shooter. It's free, open source and you can play it via Steam or directly in your browser.
This is a fun idea for classic games. DOS_deck is a website where you can go and play some classic DOS games right in the browser with an interface much like the Steam Deck / Steam Big Picture Mode.
Lost for Swords is an in-development turn-based roguelike card game with a unique twist, playable in your browser via it has sucked away a fair amount of my time recently.
Joe Danger was the first commercial game release from No Man's Sky developer Hello Games, and as part of keeping it alive they've put it up online free to play in your browser.
Games seem to be getting bigger all the time taking up vast amounts of drive space but what can be done with very little resources? Quite a lot actually as the Quake homage Q1K3 has shown.
Ever played an idle / clicker game? They've been popular in the past, especially in the earlier days of web gaming and Melvor Idle is probably one of the best.
Browser gaming is alive and well it appears with Lorwolf, an upcoming online wolf-themed pet site that's currently a big success on the crowdfunding site Kickstarter.
Chess, it's a classic right? So how about a nice game of Chess? I am in fact talking about Lichess, a free and open source browser-based online Chess game.
Combining elements of the Wolfenstein 3D classic first-person shooter with the rolling gameplay of Super Monkey Ball, what could go wrong? Return to Castle Monkey Ball is quite hilarious.
Admittedly, Fallen London is not a game I played until this week when learning of the 10 year anniversary and this browser-based narrative adventure certainly does capture your attention.