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The Longing is highly unusual, a game that takes 400 real-time days to come to a conclusion. As soon as you load it up, a timer will start counting down even when you're not in the game.
Gamers can have a little extra farming, as a treat. Stardew Valley is confirmed to be getting another free content update as it just recently hit four years since release.
The Longing is a game that takes 400 real days to complete, a game that’s pretty much impossible to review but I’ve played quite a number of hours now to get an idea of what to expect from it. Since this is something of a short preview, a few spoilers may be contained.
Chaotic 8-player action is coming to Linux later this year, as Beyond Fun Studio have managed to get successfully funded on Kickstarter for their amusing looking game Aeolis Tournament.
Inspired by the likes of Papers, Please, Animal Inspector, Beholder and Headliner we now have 'Death and Taxes', a game with plenty of hard choices and a morally gripping story with a rather stylish grim reaper.
Cat-astrophe Games are currently developing FoodBall, a game that mixes together car combat and Football with a theme involving all sorts of edible items.
A genre Linux surprisingly doesn't have a huge selection in is Match 3 puzzle games, thankfully if you love these casual games a new one is out with Tower Of God: One Wish.
Developer Indoor Astronaut announced yesterday that their amusing and chaotic track building game Unrailed! now has a Beta available for Linux players to try out.
Moving you away from the blood, the bullets and whatever else all these actions games have with Fugl, a relaxing sim about flying around and appreciating life.