You Died but a Necromancer revived you looks like one of those titles that will be equal parts fun and enraging as you avoid traps across multiple small levels.
The Savior's Gang from Catness Game Studios takes some tales from the Bible, tears out some pages and spreads in a bunch of Monty Python styled humour.
For the parents reading, Little Mouse's Encyclopedia, an interactive encyclopedia that has you explore nature and learn while you have a bit of fun is out with Linux support.
AT SUNDOWN: Shots in the Dark from developer Mild Beast Games and publisher Versus Evil puts an interesting spin on the top-down shooter genre where light is your enemy.
Little Mouse's Encyclopedia is a new discovery from developer Circus Atos, this cute interactive encyclopedia looks like a fun experience for this with kids.
Hero of the Kingdom III, a casual RPG from Lonely Troops released back in August last year but it seems it came with a few issues for those on newer distributions.