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The Funding Crowd is struggling to return to its original spot on Mondays. One step at a time, it comes today firmly determined to update you on the Linux games crowdfunding scene.
Like in many previous occasions, as if it were the Spanish Inquisition, The Funding Crowd arrives when most unexpected! Time for taking another look at what's cooking in the world of crowdfunding for Linux games.
Hi! My name is Sami, but you can refer to me with my IRC/Forum nickname Samsai or simply as Sam. I am a Finnish YouTuber with the focus on Linux gaming and I've been making videos for over a year now on my own channel.
Wasteland 2 the in development RPG from inXile that did extremely well on Kickstarter has shown off some more in game images to keep us going while we wait.
It might look like we're testing your patience by way of publishing The Funding Crowd a day later every week, but we can positively assure you we're not! It's just that crowdfunding columns and holidays don't usually mix well.
Hell-IX developers have been working on an alternative isometric cam, now players will be able to switch between 3rd person cam or a classic isometric cam.
Over the years many have brought up the idea of crowd funding open source graphics driver development in order to speed up development and finally close the gap on the Windows drivers. A few days ago I setup a small scale experiment to see if it could act...
Hell-IX (read it as roman numeral Hell "Nine") is a Combat & Rescue game based on classic games like Desert Strike, Tiger Heli, Air Rescue and others. The concept is very simple, take off, search for marines, rescue them ...
Here comes another delayed issue of The Funding Crowd. We'd like to capitulate and declare Tuesdays as the new official publication day for this column, but we're afraid that if doing so then we'll begin publishing them on Wednesdays so w...
Wasteland 2 that high profile Kickstarted RPG game that helped bring Unity3D over to Linux has been delayed! This news comes in from their latest Kickstarter ...
Do you still have some money left after the Steam sales? Do you like to support small indie studios to fulfill their dreams of releasing amazing and creative games for Linux? Then The Funding Crowd is just what you need! Keep reading and ...
So we now have Precinct up on Kickstarter, this is from the original creator of Police Quest and it promises to be a good one, that's unless you're on Linux...
Wow, it seems like yesterday that we decided to start a weekly crowdfunding column and it's been 10 issues already. The Funding Crowd has grown an order of magnitude but still hasn't been able to get rid of its chronic lack of punctuality...
Welcome back to The Funding Crowd! It's late, we're tired, and we want to go to sleep, although not before finishing and publishing our weekly crowdfunding column! But since we suspect nobody ever reads these introductory paragraphs anywa...