Category: Crowdfunding

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Fuzzy Slaughter, a gory 4-player coop beat'em up

By muntdefems,
Triptych Games are running a Kickstarter campaign to help develop Fuzzy Slaughter....

First footage of Wasteland 2 is now out!

By Liam Dawe,
Wasteland 2 now has it's first video footage!

The 90's Arcade Racer with Linux support!

By Liam Dawe,
Another really interesting Kickstarter for The 90's Arcade Racer as the name may suggest, it's a racing game with good visuals too!

Torque 3D for Linux

By Guest,
I am a fellow Linux user in the field of game development. I recently came across Indiegogo of Garage games for a port of their game engine Torque 3D to Ubuntu.

Ancient Axes: Heroes on Paper ~ Nearly 2 weeks left to support the multiplayer action-puzzler

By ,
Planet Io Entertainment's latest project, Ancient Axes: Heroes on Paper, has nearly two weeks left to go on its Kickstarter. Control two heroes at once for mind-bending single player or ...

Q&A with Hero-U's Corey & Lori Cole

By Liam Dawe,
Todays question time is with Corey from the Hero-U Kickstarter a sort of Adventure/RPG 2D hybrid! They are looking to get to $400,000.

Arakion RPG fully funded and coming to Linux!

By Liam Dawe,
Arakion, a group-based RPG dungeon crawler has been well over funded on Kickstarter so it will be coming to Linux! Arakion is...

3089 Kickstarter

By Rustybolts,
Phr00t the guy that brought us the procedurally generated Sci-fi shooter 3079 and is currently working on Gentrieve 2 a Metroid style game in a similar procedurally generated vein, has posted a Kickstarter to generate funds for 3079 sequel seeking only...

Sealark, an Oceanic Adventure Game

By Liam Dawe,
Another Kickstarter popped up on my radar today this one already including Linux support as the funding has hit the mark and was not exactly a massive stretch either!

First screenshot from Wasteland 2

By whizse,
Brian Fargo and the team behind Wasteland 2 has released a first screenshot from the game and it looks promising. ...

Legends of Aethereus Kickstarter

By Rustybolts,
Three Gates Studios currently have a kickstarter appeal running for a very nice looking RPG. They have currently $13775 of their required $25k goal. They have also announced there will be a linux build :D

Auro on Kickstarter

By Liam Dawe,
From the developers who made 100 Rogues and Cardinal Quest (and others they call themselves Dinofarm Games) comes

Jane Jensen's Moebius and Pinkerton Road Studio

By Liam Dawe,
Another Kickstarter project this time by Jane Jenson (from Gabriel Knight fame) has reached well over it's target of $300,000, they wanted at least $400,000 to do a Linux version which they have also hit over so I am pleased to announce

Kickstart all of the games!

By whizse,
Game funding on Kickstarter is alive and well. With a little help from friends we have taken a second look at some titles that could be of interest to Linux gamers. More RPG goodness! Jordan Weisman is doing a sequel to

Kickstarter fever

By whizse,
Kickstarter fever seems to have gripped the gaming community, from the big names like Tim Schafer and Brian Fargo, to the indies. Here's a selection of projects and the chances they have for a Linux port:

FTL: Faster Than Light

By Liam Dawe,
Introducing Faster Than Light a game that is coming for Linux, Mac and Windows and it's, err, hard to describe really - they describe it as a Spaceship Simulation Real-Time Rouge-Like (now that&...
Showing 860 to 878 of 878 entries found.