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Paradox Interactive and Colossal Order have today announced you need more education, just kidding, the Cities: Skylines - Campus expansion was announced.
True to their word, Feral Interactive today released The Prophet & The Warlock, the latest DLC for Total War: WARHAMMER II and not long after the Windows release.
Paradox Interactive announced a number of things for Surviving Mars today! We have new details about upcoming expansions (yes, more than one) and a release date for them too.
Two bits of Total War news today. Humble Store is doing a Total War weekend sale and info about the next Total War: WARHAMMER II expansion release date for Linux.
Good news vault hunters, the recently released free DLC for both Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel adding in multiple graphical upgrades will be supported in the Linux version.
Barony is a game I hadn't honestly touched in a very long time, which all changed with the Myths & Outcasts DLC that released last month giving new ways to play. It's also now on GOG, so that's great.
A DLC release that I missed from earlier this month, one I'm sad I missed because it's great! Monster Prom: Second Term is exactly what Monster Prom needed.
Showing some good post-release support, Kite Games and Kalypso Media Digital have pushed out a free content update and a new DLC for the strategy game Sudden Strike 4 today.